Butchered By Healthcare!

 "Butchered By Healthcare: A Kandid Chat About Surviving Our Healthcare System!" (Recorded on 1/25/2022)

My special guest for this eye-opening conversation was Dr. Robert Yoho, Author of the Best Indie Award Winning Book, "Butchered By Healthcare!

Key Takeaways:

  • Do your homework. Research your condition or issue
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions about procedures, medications etc.
  • Be your own advocate
  • Get a second opinion if you need to
  • Join a patient advocacy group
  • A little skepticism goes a long way
  • If your Dr. isn't listening to you it might be time to find a new one

Memorable Dr. Yoho quotes:

"I know that doctors are idealistic. They try their best, but it's impossible within the system for them to put the patient first, almost impossible." 

"We have 50 to 70% of the country on prescription drugs. And most of that garbage is useless or nearly useless or even bad for you."

 "Skepticism is a great strength. Don't believe a thing."

 "The doctors aren't any smarter than you are. And if anyone tells you something you don't understand it's because they're lying to you to get your money"

You can get the book here:


You can connect with Dr. Yoho here:


Check out his "Surviving Healthcare" podcast here:


Intro music: Buss_TE

Outro Music: RaFa Sessions

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Kandidly Kristin


Butchered by Healthcare

Kandidly Kristin: Hola podcast nation. It's your girl, Kandidly, Kristin. And this is the Kandid shop tonight. We are having a live Kandid chit chat with Dr. Robert Yohan. Dr. Yoho spent three decades as a cosmetic surgeon. After career as an emergency physician before retiring in 2019, his generalist training gives him perspective and allows him to avoid favoring any medical specialty.

Dr. Yoho has recently published two books. One we're going to talk about tonight, or maybe both butchered by healthcare. What to do about doctors, big pharma and corrupt government ruining your health and medical care. And his other book is hormone secrets. He also hosts the surviving healthcare podcast

so please welcome Dr. Robert Yoho to this show. Yay. Welcome. Welcome, welcome. 

Thank you for the nice introduction and you're welcome. You're welcome to call me Robert, and I hope I'm happy to call you by your first name 

Dr. Robert, we had a brief chit-chat several weeks ago and I was super excited to do an interview with you that was going to be recorded and uploaded. And I had the opportunity to do this live and I'm so glad that I was, because I think that this is an important topic that impacts everybody, anybody that's ever been to the doctor or tried to get treatment, should be tuned into this podcast and listening to some of what your book touches on.

So. I just want to give a couple of stats real quick, and then we'll get into why you wrote the book, the timing of the book and what you hoped to accomplish with the book. But these stats, I'm a researcher. So I looked up some stats. And the first one was the us spends more on healthcare as a share of the economy, nearly twice as much as the average OECD country yet has the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rates among the 11 nations, I guess, that are in that OEC, that the US has the highest chronic disease burden and an obesity rate that is two times higher than the OECD average.

Americans have fewer physician visits than their peers in most countries, which may be related to a low supply of physicians in the us. Americans use some expensive technology, such as MRIs and specialized procedures, more often than other countries compared to peer nations. The U S has among the highest number of hospitalizations from preventable causes and the highest rate of avoidable deaths.

So none of that sounds good. Talk to me about you were in it for decades and I guess I'm wondering when. You start to see the problem with healthcare. Was it always like this or did it morph into this?

Dr. Robert Yoho: Oh, well, Kristin and I wrote this book, which is essentially the history, a history of the last 20 years and how, how the whole thing morphed into this.

And then. What happened at the end of this? Uh, when book was published was just about the beginning of the current problems, you know, which we, we all know about. So I it's a history which tells how, the thing, uh, the craziness all, all developed and I'm like rip van Winkle. I went to sleep for 25 or 30 years and I woke up four years ago and I looked around me and the landscape was completely altered.

I mean, it was, you know, our number one ethic. Should be of course, patient first, right? That's more important than do no harm because a lot of therapies are risky and you got to take a risk in order to have the potential to help somebody. So everybody's got this idea that the do no harm thing is the central ethic in

medicine is not the central ethic is. Patient first and that's, that's gone by the wayside.  what's happened is, um, corporations have sort of taken over and they they've gotten this thing jacked up to the point where that's very profitable and they spend this enormous amount of money. And, uh, the statistics you quote are, uh, emblematic of the, um, how about, uh, the situation?

I mean, it's, it's really crazy. And so there's a lot of ways we can go with this. Um, basically I started looking at medical corruption through the lens of hormone therapy and I, you know, as I got into my sixties, a lot of my patients were. Going through menopause the change of life. And they were all women and I, I started to help them.

I trained and learned about hormone therapy and I certified, and I started commonly prescribing hormones to my patients if they were interested and they were appropriate and I saw miraculous results and problems. I saw about the. The healthcare system was, it was not promoting these things. It was actually running them down.

We have these black box warnings on progesterone and estrogen and testosterone claiming they cause blood clots and heart disease and all this stuff. And they were absolutely false. We have experience with these drugs for between 130 and 70 years. You know, with these medications. I mean, it's really crazy thyroid.

We've been using for 130 years. And so we have enormous clinical experience. We know they're very safe. We know they're very, very helpful. We know a lot about the, you know, the glandular system that they work inside. And I think they prolong people's lives, but they, they're not getting promoted because they're not big moneymakers because they cannot be patented.

They cannot be patented. So they don't make the $10,000 a pill rule or $10,000 a month rule or whatever the heck it is. Okay. And then I went down the rabbit hole of all the other corruptions and medicine and piece by piece. I put it all together, but I didn't know what was going on until four years ago.

And I didn't understand, you know, the pandemic and the rest of this fully until six months ago. I thought it was not in my professional purview. I thought I was an expert on the medical corruption, but I realized later. That the corruption had gotten much worse and that the current situation was nightmarish.

I mean, it was just crazy. So I, I now the last six months I've been devoted to, entirely to talking about, um, you know, what's going on now. But w we should get into there. Yeah, we should get into the corruption a little more before we,

Kandidly Kristin: well, I'd like to, to, to go back a little bit in your book in chapter three, you called it healthcare ruination in three steps.

If you could just, you know, Real briefly, cause we only have an hour. I wish we had more time.  

Dr. Robert Yoho: I've got plenty of time. So, so what, what happened is we rained money out of the sky on the insurance and the government and it led to kind of a gold rush and the insurance company. Unlike other countries, they administer the entire circus.

They, they produce astounding waste and they skim off about 20% of all the $4 trillion in healthcare revenue that we generate. And just for your listeners to benchmark, this is for 4 trillion in healthcare revenues. It's about the same size of the entire federal government, which collects around 3.5 trillion in tax revenues.

Right. And then they of course spend a lot more, I don't know how they get away with that, but right. And so step two. When you got that much money, the greedy people get into it. I mean the third party reimbursement, which is what this is called combined with free market profits, encourage the overuse of anything a provider can sink a bill on.

So, I mean, it just led to a frenzy of exaggerated and fraudulent billing and. Basically paid for any kind of covered medical treatment. And so there was no limit on the total and the step three was patient welfare gets neglected and half our care became harmful or ineffective. And so that's almost unrecognized, but there are academic papers written about it all the time.

And it's well understood inside of academic medicine. 

Kandidly Kristin: So when you say patient care, you mean. If I go to the doctor, their primary focus is not on me, but on what they can prescribe me or what tests they can order for me, am i getting that part right. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: I don't want to, I mean, the doctors are part of this system that everyone's sucked into now and it's dominated the decision-making is dominated by these immoral corporations or amoral corporations.

And so, you know, The most, you know, there's a million of us in America, roughly, and we are the most elite and intellectual group of that size in America bar, none. And, but we get trained by the system where the medical schools are largely reimbursed by pharmaceutical companies. And I mean, it just goes on and on and on.

Everyone's bought off all, all the way through.

Kandidly Kristin: Got it.

Dr. Robert Yoho: Healthcare is by far the largest lobby in Congress. As you might imagine, with 4 trillion in revenues, they can afford to buy off everyone and they're, they're basically get their way there. They entirely dominate the FDA, which is the regulator for the pharmaceutical companies, because.

The FDA is paid by user fees, which are generated during the patent process. Over half of the FDA's revenue is directly paid by the pharmaceutical company. So that makes they have a hard time making their own their own payroll. If they don't approve a drug, I mean, it's, they should be regarded as completely unreliable.

And as part of the marketing departments of these pharmaceutical companies, I say that completely without qualification. 

Kandidly Kristin: With the FDA. You mean you FDA? 

Dr. Robert Yoho: Yeah. The other, the other three letter agencies, you know, the world health organization and the NIH national institutes of health and so on. They're also completely dominated by the medical industry and they are to be regarded as completely unreliable and their performance during the pandemic has been an outrage.

I mean, they've, they've ignored the data and they've gone the way of pushing the. Of this vaccine, the most profitable drug in history to push this vaccine any way they could with any sort of lie that was possible. And it has been a freaking nightmare. 

Kandidly Kristin: Yes, it absolutely has. And it's, it's scary as a lay person when you are, you know, you're looking to your physician as someone and, and this is not to disparage the medical profession in any way, because I believe that people that go into medicine genuinely for the most part.

Want to do no harm and to do good and to do right by their patient. But if I'm the person that's sitting there and I'm relying on this person's expertise, their knowledge, I want my doctor, my primary physician retired, and I loved him because he was a let's talk kind of doctor, not what's wrong. Here's a prescription

And the guy that replaced him was a script pusher. He didn't really listen to me. He didn't make eye contact and he immediately wanted to write a prescription and I'm not big pharma friendly. So I asked to be assigned to somebody else. And now I have a DO who kind of. Talks more to me and gives me some alternative or complimentary therapies that I can use besides taking a pill all the time.

So I'm guessing if I'm the average, Joe, and I've got some halfway decent insurance, and we're going to talk about the disparities in healthcare amongst underprivileged and marginalized communities a bit later, but I've got some average insurance and I go in, what are the questions that I should be asking?

Um, information do I need to be armed with so that I'm not just pushed along? 

Dr. Robert Yoho: The first thing you have to understand is that for the most part, young people don't need healthcare and that it's being foisted on them at a great expense, but, you know, but you get over 50 or over 45 and maybe you need some healthcare and, um, you need physician level expertise to navigate the healthcare system.

Currently, if you have a serious problem, if you know, because no one's going to diagnose it, no one's going to pay attention to you. And the entire thing is what. The term of art is rent seeking. In other words, they're all just out for the money and it's in, I know that doctors are idealistic. They try their best, but it's impossible within the system for them to, uh, to put the patient first, almost impossible.

And you, you've got to, you got to do the job yourself. And if you've got a friend who's a physician or a nurse and they can help you analyze your, your problems. And there there's two positive things here, right? We don't want to make this total downer for your audience. Right? There are a couple of things that people can do now that they couldn't do 10 years ago.

And that is you can have a virtual consultation with any doctor in the freaking country, if they'll agree to do it. And it might be a thousand dollars, it might be $200, but most of them do virtual consultations all the time. And you can go to the top. Doctors in the world at Harvard or Stanford or somewhere like that.

And, and you can get their opinion about what's going on, and then you can have them kick around your local oncologist. If they're not doing the right thing, that's a big advantage. And that since Trump put that into play last year or the year before last now, and with, uh, executive order, and I don't think Biden's killed that, the other thing you can do is you can join your patient advocacy group.

And there are groups of patients for every single disease. Now these are largely funded by the pharmaceutical companies and you think they wouldn't be any good, but that's not true that people inside these groups frequently know as much about these diseases. Yeah. Any doctor. I know that sounds like a stretch, but they're very good.

And many of them will volunteer to, to help educate you and even help you make decisions about your own care. So you've got to, you got to kind of, uh, you gotta be aggressive. You don't want to be disrespectful because for the most part, the doctors are trying hard within a horribly flawed system, but, but you're, you're gonna have to, you're gonna have to make, make decisions.

And if, if things are off course, in other words, you're not feeling better or you're not making progress. You may need a second. opinion you can get those pretty easily now online, you know, through a virtual consultation.

Kandidly Kristin: Got it, got it. If it were you tasked with overhauling the healthcare system, as it stands today, what would you be doing?

Oh, you got to cut. You want to cut to the chase? That's the real thing. Okay. Cutting to the, cutting to the last chapter of my book, which you can scan it. Yeah. First of all the first thing that will protect you is having a philosophy of healthcare. And that means understanding that we can't, and I'm talking in terms of physicians, we frequently don't have solutions for you and over 70.

Most peoples have cancers growing somewhere. Any claim to a science that offers a path to longevity beyond 85 years is ridiculous. Over 85 we're off warranty right here. I got a pathologist friend who's who cuts people apart for a living. Right? He says something well, eventually. Right. So, so you have to be, uh, you gotta, you, you know, you have to be philosophical about what's going on.

And I mean, I had this friend, I called Dana in the book and over those last year, he taught me a lot and. What he, he was, he had coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure, and we thought he was going to die any day, but he always remained optimistic and he ignored all negativity. And every time I talked to him on the phone and he said he felt better and better, but what he did, what he knew, what was it?

He had no time for regrets complaints or whining or anything else. And if you really get this, you understand that you're in that same position every day, but all that said, you, you can't. Good healthcare in America, you just have got to be on your toes and you have to figure it out yourself or, or get some people to help.

We have 50 to 70% of the country on prescription drugs. And most of that garbage is useless or nearly useless or even bad for you. And so you should look at every one of your drugs and consider, uh, flushing them down the toilet. And I'm not saying indiscriminately, you get your cardiologist's opinion and you look and understand the problems, but.

No. During the process of writing this book I read about, or I heard about and talk to people who worked with nursing home patients. Now, how many drugs do you think those people are on? 

I manage the senior building. It's the amount of drugs that some of these people take. , 

Dr. Robert Yoho: Your listeners won't believe it, but it's 20 drugs.

So these people, I mean, some of them are completely gorked out. They, they give me a nice psychotic drug, so they can't, they don't know which end is up. And sometimes it's easier to manage if they knock them on their can every day. So they are there like a pharmaceutical farms for extracting money from the Medicare and the insurance companies and the patients.

I mean, it's absolutely crazy. And there are whole specialty fields of people that try to get them off all this junk. And they, uh, so I also, there are ways to, that would reform our system, but you have to understand that the way we're set up right. The bribes are legal. So bribes are what you call a lobbying money.

Right? So, yeah, I mean, these are the biggest lobbies in Congress by far the healthcare companies and the companies in the pharma companies. And so with that system, the way it is, it's, it's very hard to get around. And I, there are solutions that have been proposed by various authors. I included a selection of them in my book, but, um, without.

Disaster occurring or, or, uh, you know, some sort of major upset. Um, we can never, ever get them to work. I mean, taking the drugs off patent, right? So they're there, everything's available, uh, without a, uh, very expensive, um, you know, company with a monopoly selling them, um, that would help, but they got so much money to lobby against that we'll never get that done. Right. Other countries have put drugs off. Right. You can buy everything over the counter. Now, if it's us over the counter, you probably have less, you have less incentive to abuse it. So if you take something that makes you feel terrible, you're probably not going to take another dose.

Right. Whereas if you, your doctor prescribes it and it's a, it's a fancy prescription and it says Prozac on it, and he tells you that it doesn't work for three weeks, but it makes you feel a little bit like killing yourself and it gives you another pill to, to, uh, and incidentally that class of antidepressants have, has a consequential rate of suicide and violence associated with it.

And a lot of the shooters and the violence we've seen in America has been correlated closely with consumption of SSRI, antidepressants. Isn't that wild. Um, but it, I mean, it's evil, um, but it's, uh, the psychiatrists all believe it.

Kandidly Kristin: I actually am wondering how you feel. About universal health care. Many countries have health care.

That's provided free to all of their citizens and like anything. I'm sure that there are pros and cons to that, but is that possibly something. Could work here would be beneficial. Cause I'm looking at it as a patient and I'm 54. I'll be 55 in August. I'm post-menopausal surgically. So I'm, you know, my health care premiums increase, you know, every year.

So I'm just wondering. Is , universal health care. I dont know a better term for it. You know what I mean? 

Dr. Robert Yoho: I know what you mean. 

Kandidly Kristin: Is that an option or is that a viable option or better option

Dr. Robert Yoho: every country that has see these other countries, the first, you know, five or 10 of them? Um, they all have some. Of that. And they're all, all their healthcare is around 10% of their gross domestic product.

Singapore gets by with four and a half percent and they have excellent health care. They somehow kick all the parasites out of their little country. Um, and the answer is that that must be part of economizing, right? Because in the federal government is the only thing that has a prayer of negotiating these pharmaceutical companies, because the pharmaceutical companies are so big.

They're there. If you think. The other problem. The problem is in America, we have this ferocious blend of capitalism and socialism that puts together our healthcare and has resulted in all this waste. So any the problem is if you throw any more money at it, it's just going to be gobbled up and we already have three dysfunctional.

Payment systems by the federal government. We've got the Indian healthcare system, we got the VA, the VA is a worst mess you can ever imagine. And yeah, and I mean, anybody who's worked in the VA realize that nobody gives a rat's backside about the patients, including

Kandidly Kristin: I don't mean to interrupt you, but what's funny as a friend of mine worked at the VA and I did an episode about veterans and mental health, and she told me straight out, I cannot come on the show

and talk about anything about the VA I would lose job and I'm like, 

Dr. Robert Yoho: and the third, the third is Medicare. Now, Medicare, it protects you financially better than any other system in America. In other words, They cut. You know, if you have regular insurance, they'll charge you $10 for a gauze pad and all this crazy, crazy stuff.

And your insurance, the insurance has really don't care too much about it because they get paid right off the top. They're like 20% of the 4 trillion goes straight to insurance companies are fat and happy. And if the whole thing goes to 7 trillion, they'll get 20% of that. Um, but, uh, but so the, the answer is, is that we've somehow.

Anytime that there you're a pay for play situation, even paying for a visit in a physician's office. It's a huge conflict. And the physician is tempted to charge for an extended visit when it's just a minimal visit. And he's tempted to say, well, you can use a little. Freaking hangnail procedure that we can charge a thousand dollars for, or, you know, and so any, I lived with that system, my whole career, I was a cosmetic surgeon.

I got paid to play and I tried to be ethical about turning down people with, with, uh, inappropriate, um, bodies for the cosmetic surgery and so on and so forth. But it's, it's very hard to distinguish your needs from the patient's needs when it's tied to your finances. So, I mean, I don't have. To that. And I don't think that a quick switch to a socialized form of medicine where, where the government takes all the, all the money and then throws it to the patients is going to work very well because it essentially loses the last vestige of common sense, which is the copay, right.

They copay patients. So the patients interest in saying no. So, you know, there's a particularly vicious. Pharmaceutical industry practice that was approved a few years ago that allows them to do quote, copay support. And, you know, it sounds very idealistic when it, well, until you think about it and what they do is they charge just extraordinary amounts for the drugs, which they can get off the insurance company.

And then they, uh, they waive the copay, which is illegal, you know, essentially, or. They pay the co-pay to themselves, which if they do it through a foundation or a blind trust or something like that, it's not illegal, but it's a, it's a skirt around the last vestige of common sense. So I don't have a solution for your question or a good answer.

Uh, it's just, uh, it's a real problem. And if you, if you read butchered by healthcare, you'll understand. 

Kandidly Kristin: Yeah, I'm working my way through it. I am definitely working with, I think I'm up to chapter. I got to the, how healthcare was ruined the first few chapters just before you even got to part one introduction.

I was highlighting and making all kinds of notes and I'm like, well, you know, because I have, you know, I'm the one, the water pill for blood pressure and, and I'm thinking. I need to drink more water, 

Dr. Robert Yoho: you know, black people have a problem with hypertension, but the problem with hypertension is they've they have, and my wife's black and she's been on several high blood pressure medicines for a long time.

Um, but. The problem is, is that they made the, the criteria for going on these medicines more and more strict. And we really don't have good information from the studies that decreasing your systolic or the top blood pressure under one 60, makes any difference. Right. And certainly one 40 is fine, but now they're, they're pushing to give pills for people down as low as try to get it down to one 30.

So that's something you can bear in mind. It's not specific medical advice. And I forgot to do my. Disclaimer, here's the disclaimer, 10 seconds of that. No, this is not specific medical advice for an individual. Okay. What this is, is general background. Use it at your own risk and find a doctor to help you if you have a specific medical problem.

So there there's my disclaimer. Sorry about that.

Yeah, Kristin and you would enjoy the hormone secrets book and I'll send you a copy of physical copy of it if you want. And that'll help you understand the menopause law better.

Kandidly Kristin: And we're going to talk a little bit about that. If you don't mind. I know we're talking about butcher by health care, but in your book, I just wanted to, because I read this and I thought, oh, wow.

Maybe I should think rethink this. You mentioned that there are several tests and screenings that in the book you say are more for-profit than anything. And I'm like, uh, I'm a mammogram fanatic. I'm always trying to be proactive with my health. So I'm getting all this stuff done and you know what my doctor said to me, and this was kind of odd

my last visit before my last visit. She said, cause typically you see, I see my doctor once a year, you know, my primary for my, you know, my physical, I get some blood work or whatever she said, you know, I think I needed to bring it to have you come for biannual visits. And I'm like, but, um, um, you know, I feel pretty good.

I don't because I'm on a blood pressure pill. Cause it's you're you have a chronic condition. Number one, and this is simply my opinion. Disclaimer, this is Kristin's opinion. I don't believe that every human soul walking on the planet, that there's one base blood pressure for everybody. I just, I don't know how that's possible.

I think that some people's regular normal don't need a pill. Blood pressure might be 10 tics higher than this. Person's I don't know that that. One 20 over 80 thing. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: Oh, that's too low. I definitely don't think that at, for treatment grinder.

Kandidly Kristin: Right. So what was I saying? Yeah. I just was wanting to talk about the screenings that in your opinion, not, this is not for anybody to go and say, oh, I don't need a mammogram ever again.

Um, or any of that, but some of the tests and screenings that are more for-profit than for general health 

Dr. Robert Yoho: okay. So I can pretty much say that flat-footedly , our screening tests are nearly useless. Now here's, this is not a, this is not a mainstream opinion, but you go look at that chapter of mine, look at the references and see what you think.

And, um, even now, even something like cervical screening for a uterus or, you know, cervical cancer, you know, with a pap smears that there's only 4,000 cases. Deaths from cervical cancer in the United States a year. And this is a very small number against the population. So what we do is doing this embarrassing, crazy exam on all these people without symptoms for, I mean, four or five decades.

And it's it's, you know, that one is, is, it seems on the face of it not to be good, but I didn't get into that in my book, but the thing I did get in. Was mammograms and colonoscopies. Now mammograms have been abandoned, I think France and Switzerland abandoned mammograms. Now that's not all mammograms. It's mammograms, routinely as screening tests.

Right. And the reason is, is that mammograms create a cascade of medical services that are all slightly risky. Right? So if you see a little spot on that thing used to refer to the surgeon, he cuts it out. There's a small, and they liked to use general anesthetic and not local. There's a, you know, because the anesthesiologists get paid too, and you don't keep the surgical center busy and all that.

I mean, most breast surgery could easily be done under local with a little bit of oral sedation, but they, the surgeons don't do that. And so it creates a cascade of services that include pathology, exams of the specimens and little things cut out more mammograms and even, uh, you know, they have mastectomies for, um, Might not have caused a long-term issue.

There's there's this one disease called, um, cancer in situ, which means it's barely a cancer. I mean, I think it's a fake disease because the studies have shown that breast cancer in situ has the same fatality rate as ordinary people without breast cancer. Yeah, so it, you know, so that's mammograms now, colonoscopies may be easier to understand, right?

It's about the same thing though. They're advocating the gastroenterologists. Now they're out of control because nowhere else in the world that I know of advocates looking up your backside with a three-foot-long scope every, every two years or whatever it is, you know, I don't know what their thing is. I don't keep up with it, but.

It, you know, it may be, they can do it two of them. And then they say your, your you're cool for five years or something crazy like that. But that exam is not risk-free they, every thousand or something like that, they stick, you know, they're looking around on the inside of the bowel with the scope and then they just freaking push it up against the side, the stick it out.

And they, they can see the organs in there, you know, because they stuck it through, they stuck it through the side of the bowel. One out of 10,000, you know, then they, then they got to take you to surgery. You have surgical risks and anesthesia risks, and one out of 10,000 of those dies. So I think the, the statistics are roughly one out of several thousand or a thousand.

And I don't quote me on this. Exactly. But it's easy to look up. And then one out of 10,000 of the people they puncture dies, right? So this leads to another cascade of, uh, of possibly injurious and damaging and risky care. So the amount of people who are saved by. Finding an unknown cancer that never bled and nobody knew anything about because you see if you had bleeding or abdominal pain, they'd stick the scope up your backside as quick as quick as looking at you, you know, which is it's reasonable, it's reasonable.

But if you have no symptoms and you're doing this as a screening test, this the numbers are. 

Kandidly Kristin: They gave you the family history, spill, you know, somebody in your family had blah, blah, blah, or back to the mammograms. Like I have dense breasts. So I was always having to go for extra tests and this, that, because they couldn't really distinguish on the, the regular mammogram.

So now here we go with the 3d mammogram, which is naturally a hundred dollars more, or probably more money than that. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: But if you don't know. I want to say that there's, there are, there are situations where you should get a colonoscopy at intervals, right? One of them is hereditary polyposis, which means that you've got all those little things sticking out of the inside of your colon and that they get, they get colon cancer much more commonly.

And they have a net benefit from doing routine colonoscopies at intervals. You know, maybe every couple of years, I don't know what it is exactly. But, um, and I can't speak to the family history of colon cancer issue. Right. But for ordinary people, uh, who have no symptoms and who haven't felt a, uh, one of the people that evaluated this was, uh, Gerta, who is one of the founders of, uh, Cochran, which is the most, uh, respected source in medicine.

He's in, I think he's in Sweden. And he said that, uh, basically the only screening you should do for breast cancer is, uh, feeling your own breath and or you find a lump, then you've got a reason to get a mammogram and maybe a biopsy, but it's. The shorter that the whole effort is a, is a breakeven at best.

And it may even be a net harm given the, the risks of getting all thosefreaking procedures and, and all the worry and everything else. And they just scare the living bejesus out of everybody, everybody's afraid of breast cancer and colon cancer and colon cancer is the second, most common cancer killer.

But I mean, in other countries, they go after if you have rectal bleeding and it's not clear that the. You know, it seems relatively clear that all the effort doing that screening is a, is a net loss or at least at best a break even. Isn't that crazy? 

Kandidly Kristin: That really is crazy. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: There's another example of this. If you want to hear about prostate cancer,

Kandidly Kristin: I do.

My listeners are, they're gonna take this information and hopefully do some research on their own. I mean, listen guys, if you have family history, then that's one thing, but we're just, we're talking about regular folk that. Get these screenings or, or all these tests, because just because do you think you have to, in order to get in front of something.

Dr. Robert Yoho: If you have symptoms, if you have symptoms, get them figured out. That's the, that's the message here, John Ioannidis, who is the smartest guy in the room. He is an epidemiologist. He believes that we don't have any decent screening tests. Right. And so anyway, for this prostate cancer thing, here's the traditional approach.

So the urologist, uh, claim that sticking their finger up. To feel for prostate lumps is something they should do every year or every two years or whatever it is. I don't know what it is over 50. Right? So, and then if they feel a lump, they go in there and, uh, do a biopsy and then the biopsy may show some cancer.

But the problem is that by the time you're 70, a man is 70, 70% of those have prostate cancer, but only 2% of us die of the disease. So this thing is, [00:34:00] is inactive mostly, but this creates a cascade of. That often includes a radical prostatectomy, which is a horrible operation that shortens your penis by two inches.

I'm not joking, joking. I mean, it just makes, it gives me the chills to think about it. 

Kandidly Kristin: It gave me the chills 

Dr. Robert Yoho: isn't that awful, but they're worsening. I think roughly 20% of them pay themselves the rest of their lives. And you ever see those, uh, depends. You know, you know what that's all about? That's all about advertising.

Depends is advertising to people who have had radical prostatectomies. Those men have these, these urologists have butchered everybody and. My own personal understanding after reading the inf the data on these was that this operation is largely a net loss. It's not a, it's not good. It's a net loss and they they're impotent and they're incontinent and their penises are shorter. 

Kandidly Kristin: Oh, it's not funny 

Dr. Robert Yoho: this is called black humor Christmas. 

Kandidly Kristin: Oh my God. Dr. Robert, I got you. Uh, R 60, 68, 68. You, you running and climbing and I'd like to know what your health care routine looks like.

Dr. Robert Yoho: The first thing I want to say is it's a little bit of an online presence, right? And I have. Considerably I'm considerably diminished after I turned 60 and it's been a gradual slip and somebody like me, who's so active. We've got orthopedic problems. So I've got sore shoulders. I've got, uh, I pulled my quadricep entirely off my kneecap in a climbing accident.

That was a two year recovery in two different major surgeries, you know, and I, I mean, it was terrible. And then I, I took another climbing fall on El Capitan, which is in Yosemite and. I hurt the bone, you know, the heel bone there's I broke the, uh, the piece off the bone right above the heel bone. And I've got arthritis in one feet and I've got to wear orthotics.

So, so I'm, I try to exercise, but, uh, I'm uh, like anyone else I try to be, uh, you know, I try to be cool with my own decline and try to do as much as I can still. So I, you know, all that stuff was put, put online before, uh, before I, you know, during the, during my process of losing it. And I,work out four or five days a week now try to lift weights.

Kandidly Kristin: What about medications? Any medications? I mean, not to be not,

Dr. Robert Yoho: no, it's fine. It's fine. I'm on testosterone and I am on a DHEA .DHEA is like a mild testosterone or the pill and basically almost everybody is 68. Every male is 68 deficient. And you, you can read it. We can talk more about the hormone therapy the next week.

Kandidly Kristin: Yeah. I'd like to talk since you brought up testosterone, because when I had my hysterectomy, uh, estrogen therapy was Contra indicated and I'm doing air quotes, so I never took it. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: Well, see, this is the craziness about estrogen therapy. The, um, you know, there were, these studies done on outmoded drugs. They, drugs were already obsolete when the study.

Published or in the early two thousands. And it was called the women's health initiative study. And so this thing, this thing is an intensely flawed study. They stopped at early, before they had the real results, but, and there, they discovered a very small incidence of breast cancer with, with supposedly with estrogen.

But then after, after the people carefully read the study, it wasn't even estrogen. It was the artificial progesterone that caused the problems. Now these things are not problems. If you take natural bio identity, Estrogen and progesterone, which are not patentable. And so these, this study suppressed the use of bio-identical hormones, which are super safe and which we have a hundred years experience in thyroid, 130, 20 years experience with thyroid and these progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, probably 70 or 80 years experience with these things.

And they're very safe and they're very good for you. I, if you haven't discovered this stuff, there are some referrals in my book. And if you read all the stuff in my book, I'll discuss it in general terms with you. All my freaking patients were over 50 and they were just suffering with menopause, most of them.

And, uh, I, if they were, if they were interested and I never tried to red pill, anybody about hormones, if, if the woman doesn't know, if a woman is not interested, they're not interested. It's like, okay, you know, we'll just do your boobs, but. They paid me enough. So I just did their hormone therapy for free.

Right. It wasn't a big deal. I just had them sign the consent form. We discussed it briefly and they got a little trial. And the trial I did was I offered these testosterone pellets, which lasted for three months and the testosterone gets broken down to estrogen and it has a lot of positive effects. And these freaking women just felt so much better.

I mean, they had relief of all their symptoms and I, you know, I tried to get them to take . All the hormones, the other, but a lot of them just like the pellets. They have very even levels and they felt really good. And are there a lot of people around to do it now? And, but it's a little more expensive maybe than using testosterone cream.

And injectable is like, it's like a dollar a week for a woman. It's so cheap.

Kandidly Kristin: Let me ask you this. When you say the bio identical hormones are not patentable, that means that that cant make money on it

Dr. Robert Yoho: they can't and they basically, uh, they're, they're produced by these, see all the drugs used to be made.

I don't know, maybe 30, 40 years ago, 30, 40 years ago, they used to be made by these compounding pharmacies. I mean, it was probably 80% or more of the drugs were compounded for individual patients. And that means that. The powder from sources that they buy from somewhere and make them into pills 

now it's only 5% of the pharmacists. Pharmacies are like that. And the rest of them are big pharma. You know, they're selling these patented drugs and they're selling other drugs that have gone off patent, but are still [00:40:00] manufactured in, in huge quantities. Uh, you know, in India, most of them, most of the drugs we get now are from India and China and, uh, 95% of the ones that we consume are not patented.

They're generics. They're generics that because of. Patent drugs have been there, price gouged so far as, and you know, they're so expensive that we can't even afford them in America, you know, where we freaking invented them. So if it's a wild scene,

Kandidly Kristin: The hormones. I did want to talk a little bit about hormones a little more so people could understand, uh, when you use terms like bio identical, 

Dr. Robert Yoho: these things are

they're identical to human body components. Whereas. Estrogen, for example, that was being used in popularized, uh, prior to the bioidenticals was, it was taken from pregnant mare's urine, thus prim Maren, get it Premarin, pregnant mares urine. And that, that stuff is not as good as estradiol, which is the chemically synthesized bio identical] hormones.

But it doesn't cause cancer is nothing like that. It doesn't, you know, it's, it's much better than nothing. The troublemaker. Huge women's health initiative study was the synthetic progesterone, and that had a small incidence of breast cancer. And that scared the bejesus out of every woman in the world. I mean, , it was all publicized in a nasty, crazy way.

And the people who have analyzed that study since had been contemptuous of it, they stopped the study early and they did a lot of other things that made it, that, that terrorized everybody and got people away from hormones. Uh, and we, we all, you know, all along. We've had these. These bio identical hormones made by compounding pharmacies.

That they're great. I mean, they, they prevent osteoporosis, prevent intellectual decline, have tremendous other multiple positive effects.

Kandidly Kristin: Sustainability in terms of our current health care system. I mean, can we go on forever like this? And if we can't then what do me and my listeners and people out there that'll hear this going forward.

What do we do, um, for your personal you know, joining, uh, patient advocacy groups and having virtual sessions with your doctor, if you need them in terms of just the healthcare system as a whole, I think I asked this before, and I know there's no one right now solution, but what can we, as patients of this system do in terms of making changes in the healthcare system, what, what things should we be advocating for?

Well, let me tell you all right, after it, after re you know, after studying. Three years to get that, uh, um, the butchered by healthcare figured out and rewrote that thing over and over. And I didn't come up with, I mean, it doesn't look good for the home team, Kristin. I mean, it just doesn't look very good.

And so basically we're coming up on some crisis points that seem to have been manufactured by. Uh, malignant influences. I mean, for example, the [00:43:00] money printing is, I mean, it is slated and seems like it's designed to destroy us financially. So, I mean, during the chaos, that's going to ensue. Inevitably, I think some of this stuff's going to get rewritten, but the predators who have made all the money from the healthcare system, these huge pharmaceutical companies, these, you know, these other, I mean, some of them are medical device companies.

There are the hospital systems. I don't know what it is. 30% of the gross revenues go to the hospitals and they are predatory and they are they're largely non-profit, which means they don't have any oversight and they just do whatever they can to get away with it. I think I mentioned the money they make on each COVID patients.

Well, every patient that gets admitted to a hospital, can they get paid for testing patients finding that they're positive. They get paid for, uh, admitting them to hospital. They get paid for treating them with Remdesivir which is a drug that kills 25% of the people that get it because their kidneys fail.

They get paid for intubating and they get paid when they die. And so they, each COVID patient admitted to the hospital is a $100,000 revenue stream for each hospital, roughly. I mean, it's just, it's it's so perverse, the incentives are so bad. It's hard to believe they were invented anybody with any common sense, but they, they were invented by these people trying to profiteer on this most profitable medication in history of this vaccine.

So, I mean, It's a crazy scene and just what's going to happen. I'm on the edge of my seat every day. And I study this stuff full time. So I, I wish I had, I wish I had some comic relief for you, but it, it, it just doesn't look very good right now, but what's happened in the last, I don't know whether you follow this, but in the last seven to 10 days, some of these organizations have turned around.

And they, I think it's the Omicron. And, uh, and I also think that maybe they were positioning themselves to do okay. In the midterms. I mean, I don't know, but, uh, the narrative is actually shifting more than it shifted in the, uh, in the last four or five months in the last 10 days. So, um, the world health organization has changed its policy.

It has changed its stances on, on, uh, uh, they, you know, I think they said. I get it mixed up with who said what? But I think they said that the vaccine wasn't a good idea in children and or maybe that the touch-ups vaccines were not good, which is, has been obvious to the academic observers for a long time.

You know, the boosters are not designed to treat the current Omnicon, they're designed to treat the older variants that are no longer with us. Right. So they they're completely ineffective. And so, so they're admitting the obvious, uh, but the, you know, it's a surprising thing that any, anyone emits anything when this age of propaganda.

So, so, so that, it seems as if the narrative is turning a little bit, but I don't, I mean, it's still. It's still the, the censorship and the, uh, the, uh, insanity continuous.

 Yes, it does. Yes, it does. And I don't know, it feels like we're going to be in this forever. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: Well, you know, I, I don't know. I don't think Omicron, I don't think COVID is going to continue.

I think Omicron is going to fix it. Uh, as soon in a month there, everybody will be immunized and you, you probably understand. Once you get COVID, you can't get it again. Now you can get Omicron again, but it's nothing but a sniffles. And so the rest of them, you're pretty much a, there's a thing called cellular immunity, which is far better than the vaccine.

The vaccine doesn't confer any immunity. In fact, people seem more vulnerable to disease. More of them catch it after they've been vaccinated and they're, and they also pass it on more avidly than they did before. So this thing is a crazy story. I, we should probably do the vaccines from start to finish in another podcast

Kandidly Kristin: we absolutely. Should I am down for that? I am so down for that this hour, I swear this hour goes by to me so fast and we only started three minutes late. So, but it just, it just flies by. And so in wrapping this up, if you could just give me a new. So much to digest and I encourage everybody to get this book butchered by healthcare, whether you are a proponent of healthcare and big pharma or not, it never hurts to.

To get a opinion from someone else or to read somebody else's perspective. So I encourage everybody that hears this to at least pick up the book, read it. If you think it's conspiracy theory nonsense, you can throw it in the trash, but at least hear what is written in there. We did have a call. Okay, we got background noise and stuff.

Clearly didn't read the instructions at the top. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the Kandid shop. You had a comment or question? 

James P: Uh, yeah, I had a comment before I, before I jet out and I apologize. I was trying to get all this set up, doctor. Um, I was sitting here taking notes and I apologize for jumping in at the last minute, but I wanted to get this question in.

Kandidly Kristin: Can you just tell us your name, sir? 

James P: My name is James.

This is what happens when you're tardy. I apologize for my lack of professionalism. I'm sorry. But doctor going over, everything that you done said just in the last half hour, what are the psychological effects of people, especially black people dealing with, just listening to you say some of these things and you know, how are we to make informed decisions?

If this is what we're bombarded with. I mean, I have six other questions, but I think 

Dr. Robert Yoho: the quick answer we just have a minute left is that, uh, go to my [00:49:00] website, robertyohoauthor.com, robertyohoauthor.comyoho Robert yo-ho author.com and there's a wind that there are windows into all this information.

There's a, you know, there, there are many, many sources besides the mainstream media media, but turn off your TV. And I got to say. The black people in America have been intensively skeptical of this entire narrative. And I got to hand it to them. They just have some sort of blue collar common sense that, that eludes the white people and the worst of all are the doctors and the best educated, because they just are totally blue pill.

I mean, it's, they're crazy. And, and the doctors are almost impossible to convince them. So I, I like this book that I wrote. I think, you know, a lot of people carry it around and read it like little textbook. It's butchered by healthcare. And, but for more detail, you're going to have do some studying and I'll get back with Kristen and we'll give you another couple of hours.

Kandidly Kristin: Absolutely. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: You're welcome. Thanks for calling.

Kandidly Kristin: Thank you, James, for joining the podcast for asking a question, I always encourage people to ask questions, even if you don't want to call in, you can type them in the chat, but I appreciate you calling in. So we are at the end of our little time together, Dr. Robert Yoho. Thank you so much for joining us. And in closing, if you could just give my listeners. One little candid piece of advice as they try to navigate this clearly very flawed healthcare system that we have. What would that be? 

Dr. Robert Yoho: Two things. Skepticism is a great strength. Don't, believe a thing.

And we'll get into that more about. Even the freaking medical journals are entirely ruined by commercial interests. And there's only one left standing. Really it's a British medical journal. And the second thing is you can learn this stuff. The doctors aren't any smarter than you are. And if, if anyone tells you something you don't understand is because they're lying to you to get your money

Kandidly Kristin: got it. 

Dr. Robert Yoho: How was that? 

Kandidly Kristin: That was clear. Cut as ever. Y'all heard that. So those are the two takeaways and I'm putting that in the show notes. So again, Dr. Robert Yoho, thank you so much for joining the Kandid shop and having this Kandid discussion on health care. Everybody that joined the live. I appreciate it.

When it goes out into the world. I hope that more people start to take a closer look. at The test that they're taking the medications, they're taking ask more questions, just be like you said, just because he's got a white coat on doesn't mean, you know, your body, they're not listening to you. Find another doctor, get a second opinion and absolutely get this book butcher by healthcare.

It will give you some, some clear stuff to use going into your conversations with your doctor. They're just people, people so have conversations with them. And again, if you can't, that might not be the doctor or physician for you. We weren't supposed to be back on a live until February 8th, but I had to jump in and do this while I had the opportunity.

I am going to be bringing Dr. Robert Yoho back and we're going to have an entire conversation about COVID the pandemic and the vaccine. I'm not sure when it will be, but if you're subscribed to the channel, you'll get notification. And of course, I'll promo it. Now for real this time, we will not be back until February 8th and we're going to start our conversation.

About relationships because we're coming up to February. So our relationship series will start on February 8th at 8:00 PM, I hope you all join us. And as I say, at the end of every episode, I want you guys to keep it safe, keep it healthy and keep it Kandid.

Robert Yoho Profile Photo

Robert Yoho


Dr. Yoho is 68 years old and calls himself a healthcare whistleblower. He practiced medicine in the United States and retired two years ago. He was a board-certified emergency physician and cosmetic surgeon. He has recently published two books, Butchered by “Healthcare” and Hormone Secrets. His podcast is at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1718994