Join the kandid conversation as we chat about life transformation, spiritual growth, and personal development!
What if you could transform your life from the inside out?
Join me, as I sit down with the remarkable Tina C. Hines, a Life Transformation Specialist, empath, intuitive, clairvoyant, medium, and healer as we discuss just that!
In this heartfelt episode of The Kandid Shop, Tina opens up about her profound journey from a 30-year corporate career to becoming a beacon of hope and healing for women. She kandidly shares how her battle with clinical depression ignited her spiritual awakening and led her to embrace her true calling. Discover how she leverages her unique gifts to help women uncover and heal from deep emotional traumas, and why she prefers the term "specialist" over "coach."
We also dive into the essential topic of boundaries and energy management, especially pertinent for empaths working with skeptical clients. Tina reveals the challenges she faces and her approach to dealing with clients whose needs may require more than coaching, sometimes necessitating therapeutic intervention. Listen as we discuss the importance of maintaining authenticity in coaching relationships and the critical role of self-care practices like meditation, journaling, grounding, and shielding to protect personal energy. Tina’s no-nonsense approach aims to empower women, providing them with genuine insights to overcome their challenges and move forward.
In a soulful exploration of spiritual growth and personal development, Tina shares practical exercises to uncover the root causes of emotions and behaviors. She emphasizes the ethical considerations in her work, such as seeking permission before sharing intuitive insights. We also highlight her aspirations to create sacred spaces for women, particularly in Indonesia, to help them release blockages and find peace.
Tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with heartfelt wisdom and transformative insights.
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Intro Music by: Anthony Nelson aka BUSS
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Kandidly Kristin
00:21 - Life Transformation Specialist Tina C Hines
09:48 - Maintaining Boundaries as an Empath
22:28 - Exploring Spiritual Growth and Personal Development
37:36 - Empower Women in Healing Spaces
44:20 - Soulful Conversations on Personal Growth
50:44 - Promoting Candid Conversations Online
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Hey podcast family, it is your girl Kandidly Kristin and this is The Kandid Shop, your number one destination for candid conversations. If you're a new listener, welcome to the show. If you're a returning listener, thanks for your support and welcome back. So today I'm sitting down for a candid chat with life transformational Hold on, let me say that again. Life transformation specialist, fifth generation empath, intuitive, clairvoyant, medium and healer. Tina C. Hines. So help me welcome Tina to the candid shot. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome, Tina.
TINA C. HINES: Thank you. Thank you for having me.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Spiritual and transformational topics are like really my jam. I love talking about them. And so I'm looking forward to this chat. Before we start, could you just tell me and my listeners a little bit about Tina, who you are and what inspired you to become a life transformation coach?
TINA C. HINES: So I am, I'm a mom, I'm a daughter. And I am all that magical stuff wrapped up into one, as I like to tell people. And my journey, I spent 30 years in corporate America, born and raised in New Jersey and currently and currently live in Marrakech, Morocco. You know, I started doing doing hosting women in my home. We just started out started out as a book club, but we never read the book. We focused on life challenges that were going on that we were working through and I had suffered from clinical depression and that's actually the beginning of this journey of my awakening and leaning into this coaching as I was going through my healing process and recognized that there was a space that would be great for me to continue and support women in this same space. Because when I was healing, I felt even though I had my besties, that I was alone and the only one experiencing clinical depression and an awakening at the same time.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Hmm. Yeah, that's interesting. Tell me, how do you define what a life transformation specialist is? I like the term specialist more than coach. I wish more people would use it. But what does that mean to you?
TINA C. HINES: So for me, I never really saw myself as a coach. When I think of coaching, I still sense like somebody on the sidelines going, rah, rah, rah, you know, you need to do this or that. And because I have my gifts as a healer and a clairvoyant, I felt that it was a little bit more than coaching. It was more guiding women. So when I think about the transformations that women experience through working with me, it just was very fitting. It just life coach didn't fit for me. And I struggled with different names to call myself because it never resonated for me as I was preparing to walk into this new space that I was creating.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Okay. Okay. Well, I think life transformation specialist fits. I like that a whole lot. So tell me how, how you believe your empathic, intuitive, clairvoyant abilities enhance or, and or inform your approach compared to more traditional methods.
TINA C. HINES: Um, so when I'm working with women, even though I work with men, it's primarily women that my energy connects with. Um, I like to share with people that those people who have all of us who have gifts, our gifts may operate different. And for me, mine doesn't really focus more on the future. It's more on past, uh, emotional trauma that women have experienced in their lives. It can easily tap into it. And when we're working together, the goal is to get to the root cause, because many times we're focused on the specific thing that happened to us versus what else is a part of that. And a lot of times women feel wondering, are feeling, what do I, what could I have done differently? What should I have said differently? And I take them on this journey to revisit that moment, but I only take them there for a brief period of time. Because when you are on your journey of healing, you have to know the root cause in order for you to start healing from it. So I take them back there for, I guide them back there for a short period of time to get what we need. And I always tell them, tighten up your shoelaces because we're going to haul ass after we get what we need and we're going to leave because it goes too far. The goal is not to stay there. The goal is to get what you need and run. And I'm telling your audience now, I'm a straight no chaser. I have no filter. I have a little bit of a filter. But it's to get the information you need so you can know exactly what it is that you're working with. Many times when I'm on a journey of healing, I hear women say, I don't know where to begin, or I don't know what it is, and it's impacting other areas of my life. So my gifts allow me to tap into that space. And sometimes it could be the most simplest things. I always like to share a story of I was working with someone and they kept struggling in one particular area. And I kept saying, well, all I just need you to do is write a new journal. That's all I need you to do. And for some reason, there was a blockage from them writing in their journal for a period of time. And so at the end of the day, I was like, listen, I don't want you to waste your money and I don't want you to waste my time. If you're not going to write a journal, this is not going to work for us. And she's like, oh, Tina, I don't know what to write. I said, write, the sky is blue. Write what color your shoes are. I don't care. Write something in that damn journal. So we sat there and she finally, she wrote something and I was like, what did you write? And she wrote the word abandonment. And it was like, I gasped for air. And after she wrote the word, and that's what I said, you don't have to write full sentences, just write something. After she wrote the word abandonment, I explained to her how it was attached to a lot of situations in her life that she was experiencing. The failed relationship, the relationship with her children, the relationship with her grandchildren, and where there was this disconnect that she was experiencing. And after I explained to her and I showed her the connection, then we could begin working. And so after that, every week she wrote in her journal. I'm like, She's like, I could have been through this a couple of weeks ago. And I was like, yes, you could have. However, you experience your breakthrough when you were supposed to.
TINA C. HINES: When you were supposed to. And so that's one of the things about when Women are working with me. I'm very, very transparent of if I'm going to show up for you, but if you're unwilling to show up for yourself, this is not going to work. Can you commit to yourself for three months? And I'm like, some of you have been unsavory relationships for longer than three months, but you can't give yourself three months.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: How about that? How about that? So listen, and I know that you've come across this. How do you navigate the skepticism, the misconceptions and the resistance from individuals, potential clients who may be unfamiliar with concepts like intuition, energy healing, clairvoyance? How do you navigate that?
TINA C. HINES: Oh, I like that question. You know, no, it's a good question because I do experience it. It's not my job to convince you that I prefer. And I don't expend, I don't, I don't pour energy into the, into the individuals who are skeptics because I get people all the time who are trying to test me and my ancestors will move them out the way, by the way, but I don't, I don't have time to, to deal with, to, pour that much energy that I could be pushing into something else with individuals who are skeptical. I am very transparent with who I am. You can watch a YouTube video, any social media video, or you can talk to people that I previously worked with, but I don't pour a lot of energy into skeptics when I encounter individuals and they may say something, you know, I, number one, I'm the daughter of a minister. I'm the great minister. Yeah. I'm a PK.
TINA C. HINES: Okay. Um, however, I am very, I always say I'm, I'm, I'm just the, the, the heathen of the family. Um, you know, I don't subscribe to it. I believe there is a higher power. And so people come up to me and they, you know, I call it Gus guide universe source. And I will say, uh, you know, what you're doing is evil. And I says, there's not an evil bone in my body. If I'm trying to get women to heal from whatever trauma they're experiencing. And. It's like they go to church to get the word. They get the word, which is great. I am not a faith based business. I am a woman business. And if I have the tools and resources to support you, I'm going to pour that into you. If you have the energy to be skeptical about it, this is just not the space for you. So there's no need to even test it. Um, right. And like I said, I've come up against it multiple times. I just don't, I rather use my energy in other spaces.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: in other spaces, absolutely. Because here's the thing, you came to me, I didn't knock on your door and go, hey, you want me to help you? So you, we connected because you reached out to me, even if it was for your skepticism. And I believe that there are some people who are just unfamiliar or uncomfortable, or they were raised an eye in a solidly, you know, Christian household. And that's, that's what they know. So this is like, nah, I don't know, but I want to know those people.
TINA C. HINES: Curiosity.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Curiosity. And if you're unfamiliar but you're willing, then I can help you understand. But if you're just here because you're skeptical and trying to go, see, I knew it, I told you, then I can't work with you. That brings me to my next question. Have you ever declined working with a client because of their energy, what you felt around them?
TINA C. HINES: Oh, most definitely. I mean, there's a number of reasons why I would decline working with someone. The first one is if I feel that their support, the support that is needed is more therapeutic than coaching. That's one of the reasons why I have consultations with my clients if we're doing coaching because their needs may be deeper than what my level of skill is. I am a certified life coach, but I am not a licensed clinical professional. And based on what they're sharing with me, I can immediately detect if it's something, if it's more therapeutic that is needed. That's one. The second one, which I encountered many years ago, it hasn't been recent, was an individual who, I was like, I like to say, don't even know I'm lying. They were in denial.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: And they- Well, you have the best acronyms. Let me just tell you first, Gus, I'm using that forever. I'm gonna give you credit.
TINA C. HINES: Everybody likes Gus. Everyone likes Gus. Oh, you know, we started working together and I just realized I was like, she she's unwilling to take ownership of her role in a specific situation. And I'm the kind of coach where I don't want to say I'm playing devil's advocate, but I'm pointing out certain things that I'm observing in your behaviors and how it plays an intricate role in what you may be working through. And it's something deeper that you're unwilling to touch. So if I recognize and I could know early on that you're unwilling to do the work and it's consistently like almost butting heads, then we're not a good fit. And I will make the recommendation that they find someone who's a better fit for them.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Gotcha. Gotcha. Because I can't do the work for you and we're not going to dance around. I'm authentic. So we're not going to do the BS. And you just here for me to, you know, be your yes therapist or coach. We're not doing that part.
TINA C. HINES: Okay. Yeah. I had somebody who wanted, who was like, they asked me something and you'll be like, well, that's what I hired you for. I was like, Ooh, honey, you didn't hire me to do the work for you. I've done my work. You've been behind me to do the work for you. So if you did, apparently there was some miscommunication somewhere.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. This is your work to do. I am merely coming alongside you to help you through it. Uh-huh. So as an empath, how do you, Tina, maintain boundaries and protect your own energy while you're working with clients?
TINA C. HINES: So there's a couple of things that I do. I have a deep meditation practice that I practice twice a day. Midday, I do quiet meditation with Native American flute music. And before I slumber, I do guided meditation so I can release everybody's mm-mm off of me. I didn't want to drop the S-bomb, so I said, mm-mm. So that's one practice. I journal. I don't journal as often as I used to. I do grounding. I find patches of grass where I can just ground myself in the earth and walk and just release. And my other is shielding. For me, my shielding includes bodies of water that's consistently around me, like in a huge wave. And I have to water for the mere fact of I needed to push out what I don't need, but also allow to come through what it is that I do need. Since I do the energy work, so I need to allow it to do that. I'm selective with where I go, and I'm selective with the individuals who I am surrounded by. If I feel your energy, it's not as, it doesn't feel yummy to me, as I say, I will, you know, detach myself from it, because I'm a highly sensitive empath. I don't need, I can't, I barely watch TV. I stopped watching TV for like two years when I first learned that I was an empath. because everything on there would have an impact on me. I mean, I used to be the queen of Law and Order. I loved every version of Law and Order. Oh my God. You can't get me to watch it now because I immediately feel the pain of everything, all of it. So I've stopped watching Law and Order and that was my jam.
TINA C. HINES: Totally. So, you know, those are a couple of ways that I protect myself. You know, I don't go, like I pick a couple of days where I just literally stay inside. I don't go outside just to protect myself because I'm so sensitive. When you have, and this is for anyone who's listening and they notice that they get sad all of a sudden when they're happy, you have to create the space that you desire. If you want peace, you have to create the peace. The peace starts from within. For me to protect myself, I have to make sure that I am in spaces that's conducive to my wellbeing. If it's not conducive to my wellbeing, I'm not going to go there. And I'm unapologetic about that. I don't even have to question it. And one of my friends, he jokes with me all the time. He always says, you know, Tina's the wild card. Either she's coming or she's not. And you never know.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Right. You sound like me. Yeah, I may be there. I don't know. I'll know that day. I'll know that day. So another, not boundary question, but How do you, I guess the word is balance, balance your intuitive insights with your clients' autonomy and their decision-making process during, you know, your time with them, your sessions?
TINA C. HINES: When it comes to the coaching, as well as my gift, which is innate, it's always there.
TINA C. HINES: When I am working with my clients, it isn't to give them answers because that's not my job. My job and how I am always guided is to give them resources and give them tools to help them get to their answers. A lot of times I will have a client who says, well, Tina, it would be easy if you just told me. And I says, that's the thing. We want it to be easy. But it's not my work. It's your work. And I love when you have the opportunity to experience your aha moment. So certain exercises that I want you to apply in order to experience your aha moment. There is no cookie cutter way that I work with my clients because each individual person has different experiences. Their style of learning is different. And it's important that I lean into that. And one reason why I'm very clear about that is because I have a son who has extra needs. And I know there are certain ways that I have to work with him in order for him to comprehend certain things that I ask him or certain tasks that he's required to do. I treat my clients the same way. I need to lean into what works for them and what does not. If I know I get a lot of pushback because I want them, like the young lady to write the journal, I have to go another route in order to get her to do that same exercise, but in a way that feels comfortable to them. Because many times, as we are initially starting out, it's an uncomfortable space. Everyone feels safe and seen with me, and they definitely know they're heard. However, I'm taking them to a place that they have pushed in the closet for 5, 10, 15, 20 years. And now they have to open that Pandora's box and address it. And it initially does feel uncomfortable. So when I think about what I may be working through for myself and identifying what I'm working through for them, I lean into how does this make you feel and what does this look like for you? Like I want to hear what it feels and looks like for you because I can tell you what it looks like from my perspective. And when I view certain situations with them, And I see solutions, I don't see problems. And for them, it's like, how do you come up with answers so quickly to this particular situation I'm working through? Well, the number one reason is I'm not emotionally attached to your, mm-mm. I'm not emotionally attached to your stuff. I'm not emotionally attached to your stuff, so I can see the solution maybe a lot quicker than you can, because you're attached to a lot of emotional situations that you're dealing with. I'm not. So I can pinpoint exactly what happened, how it happened, and what you can do to work through it. The challenge is, Tristan and Charles, we be overthinking. We be overthinking. All the time. We overanalyze it. Like, even when I give work, they were like, it can't be that easy. I said, trust me, it's that easy. No, Tina, it has to be something harder. I'm like, you want it to be hard. Well, no. And I'm like, well, okay. I says, listen, I know that we make a lot of situations in our lives complicated. So that's why the tools that I give you, I make them as simplistic as possible. So you will use them. And so, you know, you can always use them and not stick stuck. where you've been for an extended period of time.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yeah. And that's a great segue, because what are some of the, without giving away the whole toolbox, because people, y'all got a booker if you want all the info, but what are the specific techniques, practices do you incorporate into your work to help people with their life transformation?
TINA C. HINES: I, I love this. Um, this is why I was asked them to answer the question, why? And when they're answering that question, I set a timer for like 30 minutes and, and they'll go, let's see, what's the great story. Um, I don't know. I I'm feeling sad today. Why? Uh-huh. Because I ate too much candy. Why? Because I had a sweet tooth. Why? And I keep them going through that. Why? Eventually, as they're going through the exercise, they stop asking why and they just start free form writing. And at some point, they sometimes will write the same thing repeatedly. What's great is when they write it, they read it like I feel sad today, I had candy. I read it as, I feel sad today, why? Because I had candy, why? I make them do it really quick, answer the question, because I don't want them to overthink it. I want them to respond with the first answer that comes up, not, let me think about this for a minute. And when they do this exercise, they are able to identify the root cause of what they are working through or what they would like to work through. And they're like, how did you get to this? And I'm like, I just had to take you through this exercise. And I says, you're only going to scratch the surface. I'm going to go below the surface. Because again, you want to experience your breakthrough. We have to know what we're breaking through with. And they have a love-hate relationship with that exercise.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: I'm sure. I'm sure. Because every Y leads to another Y, and then eventually you go down, down, down, down to the root.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: And there's layers to it. There's layers to it. thinking is a thing and wanting to give the air quotes, correct answer is a thing. And I don't want to say the wrong thing. No, we're going to be authentic in this exercise and I'm going to make you do that. I like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So are there any ethical considerations or guidelines that guide you in your work? Especially in terms of being in.
TINA C. HINES: Number one, when With my gift, I ask permission for me to share anything that may come. And I do this even when I'm with my readings. My readings, I've already gotten permission because they signed up to have that session. It's always funny because with my coaching, my spirit guides come. It's my great-great-grandmother, Grandma Jenny. Almost everyone who has worked with me knows Grandma Jenny. I think they love her more than they love me. I'm not lying. I've had a client say, will Grandma Jenny be a part of our sessions? And I'm like, I don't know, depends on who she comes in. But they love Grandma Jenny. I always ask when I sense that it may be something, a situation uncomfortable, of do I have permission to speak freely? Because that's when I know I'm about to start channeling some piece of information that is being downloaded to me. And I ask permission because I want to make sure that they are going to be comfortable with the information. And it also is a way to prepare them. Never do I have women in a space where they feel unsafe. Um, I never channel anything of, you're going to get into an accident when you leave my house, when, or when you leave, when you finish so-and-so. I don't do, my energy doesn't work that way. It will probably say, you know, be careful or take care of yourself or anything like that. So I'll like, I experienced that. And that's the way that I, I manage, you know, when I am sensing something that may be. Not the most ideal thing to say, but I always, I already prepared them of one. I was straight, no chaser with a handsome love, and they already know I have no filter. And that's part of the reason why I encourage people. I was like, you know, make a well-informed decision before you work with me or anyone. Just don't take a leap of faith because A, it may not be the right fit. Or I may not be the right person for you to work with at this time, but you'll be back. And I have this level of awareness when it comes to that. I just want you to get the support you need in order to reach your emotional well-being goal. And I am not the end all be all. I like to say, I shared recently, I says, I am not the ending, I am the beginning. And the reason why I say that is typically I'm the beginning of the work of when people are starting their journey of healing and the work. And I am just one of many legs. So I am, if we were school, I would be Kenny Gardner, preschool, and there's going to be many more people that you're going to work with after me. I'm just here to get you started for you to experience that breakthrough. And I want you to continue the work. And I don't want it to be with me. Um, I went for the short term, not the, I'm honest. I'm so honest. I tell them, I was like, listen, don't take it personal, but I don't want to work with you for five years. Not on the same situation that you're working through. If I have to do that, that means one of us are not doing our job well. I want you to experience your breakthrough and grow on because now you're growing and you can't grow staying stuck in one place.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Right. Agreed. Yes, I like that a lot. I didn't know you did readings, by the way. I haven't had a reading in a minute. Anyway, that's something for another day or another conversation anyway. How do you see spirituality, intuition, mediumship, clairvoyancy, all of those things becoming more integrated into personal growth and development practices, like in a bigger way with more people?
TINA C. HINES: I, I can, I can say that number one, 2024 is a year of growth for a lot of people. And there are a lot more people who are roaming into their gift and understanding or wanting to understand what they were experiencing. It's unfortunate that my age demographic, we didn't have, in some spaces, we didn't have access to the information like we do now. We didn't have the conversations that we're having like we do now because it's considered taboo. And now it's more open for those people who may be in a space where they're struggling to find someone. They don't have to sit with, I'm experiencing, feeling different types of energy and I don't know what to do. And now they can openly have conversations with the right people, operative word, right people. And it doesn't feel strained. It doesn't feel strained. It's like, I can have this conversation and I could say empath, empath, and you're not going to sit there looking like, well, what's an empath? You are having a conversation with someone who gets it. Who actually gets it, which is great because then you realize, I'm not alone. Because sometimes we feel like we're alone. Be like, I am the only one here who's uncomfortable and people keep telling me I'm so sensitive. I'm so sensitive and they don't get it. They don't understand it. And when you connect with someone, it's almost like, what's the song? Friend, where have you been? That's why you're like, oh my God, my tribe. There's my tribe.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. That's important. It's important to find none, like absolutely none. And it's OK when people aren't your tribe. Like I have friends that come into my space and see my little, my altar and my cards and my, my, my crystals and stuff. And they like, and in the same space, there's like a Bible, a Quran, there's all kinds of stuff over there. And they're like, okay, because I, this is what I do. It doesn't have to be what you do. It's what I do. I took a whole circuit in terms of my particularly spiritual belief system and what worked for me and this is where I landed. So what advice would you give? No, go, go, go, go.
TINA C. HINES: I found it interesting. There is, um, there's a movie called the red tent. I don't know if you've seen it. It was a special on lifetime of one of the shadows years ago, but write it down and let's work. And I am not the most right Bible in person. So I may get the names wrong, but the red tent was where the women, when they had their cycles that they would go to. And one of the women in there, she had a gift and there was an idol and they kept saying, oh, you can't worship idols and whatever. But she was like different than the other women. Here's where I challenge people, and when it comes to those of us who have gifts, I say, listen. If I'm correct, and I might have them as well. Didn't Joseph have a sense of, was it Joseph or was it his son or his father?
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Joseph had the gift of gifts.
TINA C. HINES: Yes, in the dreams. I'm like, so what makes Joseph different than the rest of us? Joseph was ostracized because his brothers were bothered by that he had his gift and his father doted over him. What makes it different than those of us who just choose not to put a name on it? Because that's how I feel. I'm like, what even makes me different than a prophet? Because I choose not to call myself a prophet. What makes it different? Can somebody explain that to me?
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: That's the question that will go unanswered. They'll be looking at you like you got four heads, like, huh, what? Yeah, that's not, they don't want to touch that. Lots of things like that, that people just don't want to touch because it challenges everything they believe. Yeah. Yeah. Challenges everything they ever believed. And if that can be challenged, they feel like that that shakes their who they are, not knowing that they're separate from their mom and daddy and them's belief. But so my question was going to be, but thank you for sharing that story. And I did write it down. Red Tent. I'm going to look it up. What's your best piece of advice to somebody who may hear this and who is at a space in their life where they're like something has to give and they're looking to go on their own personal transformation? What's your best piece of advice for them?
TINA C. HINES: Allow yourself to be open to the possibilities of whatever you're going to experience. Take what serves your purpose, and the rest, throw it in the garbage.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Nice. Nice, nice, nice. That's a great piece.
TINA C. HINES: Straight into the point.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Straight into the point. I like it.
TINA C. HINES: Open yourself to the possibilities, because we close ourselves off And sometimes we miss important messages when we close ourselves off. So open yourself up to the possibility. Release the attachment to what you think things should look like and be like and feel like. And reel in what serves you, what serves you. This is what works for me. And it doesn't have to work for everyone else. And it's perfectly fine. So the rest, toss it in the garbage.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: That's great advice. Great advice. So Tina, future looking, we looking ahead, what are your goals? What are your greatest aspirations for the future of not only your practice and what you do, but the impact that you hope to make in the lives of others?
TINA C. HINES: Goals. I have a couple. One is to, well, let me rephrase that because I'm getting a download. Okay, let's go. So I'm right now in a space of, you know, I have these gifts and at one time or another, one is more prominent than the other. When I first started this journey, it started out where I was leaning more into the clairvoyancy. And then it shifted to the mediumship for a period of time where literally there were parties in my living room next to the fireplace of spirits. And for the past few months, I've been guided to, okay.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: I just want to stop you because just for clarity for people that are listening that don't know these terms, could you define empath, clairvoyant, medium?
TINA C. HINES: Okay. So for me, um, number one, I, I was born and raised, well, not raised, but I've came into this gift and I wasn't, um, I'm not hook talk. I'm ancestral. For me, an empath is a person who spills the energy of other people. Good, bad, or indifferent. A lot of times it's more heavy. The clairvoyancy where you have the gift of knowing, and there are six different clairs, and I always get all their names mixed up. And it's like the senses, the six senses that you have. And so you could see things, you can hear things, you can smell. taste. And then with the mediumship, the mediumship is loved ones who have transitioned. I prefer the word transition versus die. And their spirits come through. And the final one is the healing. And the healing part, most people, the average person, when we say that, say it that way, may do Reiki. And it's still energy work, but for mine, I am not a Reiki certified practitioner. Mine is energy healing, where I can lay hands on people and heal them. As shared in the beginning, I am a fifth generation. My mother has the gift to decide, although she does not practice. My grandmother had dreams. And I know this for a fact because we have some of her journals. My great-grandmother, she was psychic. My grandmother's sister could lay hands on people and heal them. And my great-great-grandmother, whom I've never met, I met everyone except my great-great-grandmother, she had all the gifts. And as it was told to me by a family member who's still alive, I am just like her. I am just like my great great grandmother.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: OK. All right. Thank you. I just wanted to get because you were talking about your goals and aspirations, and I wanted people to be clear what each different thing is, because there's so much misinformation and I like being clear. Yeah. All right, so go ahead with your dreams and aspirations.
TINA C. HINES: So when I think about my goals and my aspirations is a number of things. When I said that this is my right now home, there's a purpose of why I am here. And it's slowly being developed. But ultimately, I know that I need to spend some time in Indonesia. Indonesia is a very spiritual space for me, especially in Bali, which is where I've been multiple times. And I want to continue to create spaces for women to come. As I am being guided, as I was sharing, I'm leaning more now into the healing work and helping women identify where there may be blockages in their vessels. and the impact that it is having in every area of their life. You sometimes think that, oh, this is just something I'm feeling in this moment. And I'm like, no, it's permeating to your job, to your relationship, perhaps to your children. And when the women are getting relief from all of that energy, it's like something that opens up. Um, recently I had done five sessions, a couple of weeks ago with a group of women individually. And one of them was just so tense. And I I'm like, I got you. It's all I had to keep saying. I got you. You don't have to be mother wife. You don't have to be all of the labels that you wear where relax your shoulders. I got you. I feel you and I got you. And eventually she relaxed her shoulders and tears started rolling down her eyes because she had been everything to everybody except to herself. And that's the space that I want to continue to hold for women. And that's what I'm being guided to do is to create that space where they can simply be. And, you know, it's an amazing experience when I get to step back and observe it. And when they come back to this space, because I take them through a guided meditation in the process, there's a sense of peace. And they were like, oh my, she's like, they'll tell me what they saw in the vision as I'm doing the guided meditation. And they feel so much more relaxed. after the experience. Continue to create spaces for women to experience it. But the biggest challenge is shifting the mindset of helping them realize that they are worthy of it.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yeah, because you got to think you deserve it to accept it. Yes. Awesome. Well, those are awesome goals, awesome aspirations. Like I told you when we started this, spiritual and transformational topics, conversations are like my favorite thing to do because I know how beneficial it can be. And my work is not done. I'm 56 and I'm going to always be seeking, searching for, you know, be the best version of myself to tap into all of my gifts. So these are just my favorite conversations. So I thank you for having it with me today. I thank you for and Grandma and Jenny for the downloads and all the information. But we are so not done because we still have to do the fun stuff and play 10 Candid Questions. These are just 10 random questions that I found a list on on the Internet. And the only rule is you have to answer them candidly. Excuse me. My goodness, my voice is leaving me. This is like my third chat today. So so are you ready? Yes. Question number one, introvert or extrovert?
TINA C. HINES: Ambivert.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: You are the second person to say that. I'm going to add that as an option. I sure am. Question number two. How has your life been different from what you'd imagined it would be?
TINA C. HINES: I don't know, because everything I'm doing is what I envision. Yeah, when I was younger, I wanted to be a nurse, and I realized I didn't like sick people. But look at me now. I'm working with somewhat sick people.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: OK. You are a nurse, just in a very different way. Nurse for the soul, nurse for the soul. All right. Question number three. Hugs or handshakes? Hugs. Question number four. What is your favorite curse word?
TINA C. HINES: Oh, I got two. Okay, let me have the first one.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Oh, I love it. I love it.
TINA C. HINES: Because you got to because I can't I can't tell people you got stuff to do. It doesn't have the same impact as you got shit to do.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: For that part. This is true. Mm-hmm. All right. Question number five, tea or coffee?
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Okay. Question number six, how would you like to be remembered?
TINA C. HINES: Okay. Can I tell, and I hope this isn't one of your questions. My theme song is I Was Here by Beyonce.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Nice. Not one of my questions, by the way, but
TINA C. HINES: Yeah. Okay, good.
TINA C. HINES: Yeah, that's, that's my, it's, it's, it's my song. It's I was here. I want to know that I, when I leave this world, I leave no regrets. Yes. That's my thing. All right.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Nice question. Number seven sunrises or sunsets.
TINA C. HINES: Oh, um, right. I'll go with sunrise. I'll go with sunrise.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yeah. I like them both. I always say sunsets are prettier, but sunrises are just, there's just something about the beginning of, yeah.
TINA C. HINES: The start of a new day.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: The start of a new day. Question number eight. If you were writing your autobiography, what would the title be?
TINA C. HINES: Ooh, let's see. Can I go with a song that I like? You sure can. And everybody would get it, too. DMX. Up in here. Y'all gonna make me lose my mind. That's what it's gonna be. That artist song. Y'all gonna make me lose my mind.
TINA C. HINES: And everyone would get it.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: I love it. I love it. I love it. Question number nine. Morning person or night owl?
TINA C. HINES: Morning.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yeah, me too. All right. Final question. And this is the same for all my guests. How can my listeners connect with you and or engage your services?
TINA C. HINES: They can connect with me by first going to my website, which is my name, Tina C. Alternatively, but preferably, is the website. Start there. And then I'm on social media on Facebook as Tina C. Hines, Life Transformation Specialist. And I also, I go live on TikTok, more so than any other platform. And it's Tina C. Hines, my name. But just make sure the Tina C. Hines you find has like 20,000 followers because the other ones, I've been duplicated like four or five times already.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Oh my God. All right, don't you hate that? Like, get your own stuff, people. Oh my God.
TINA C. HINES: Yes. And I will never show up in your inbox, trust me. That part, please, I will never tell you. I have to fix it for you and show up in your inbox.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Girl, oh, that grates me. So it's one of my biggest pet peeves. Like, stop it with that. Yes. Anyway, Tina, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for your time, your observations, your gifts. Just thank you for all of it and for being with me today.
TINA C. HINES: Thank you so much. I appreciate you.
KANDIDLY KRISTIN: Yes. All right, guys. Tina's contact info, her website info, her socials will all be in the show notes with clickable links because I know you all wasn't writing nothing down. And don't forget to visit my website at That's Candid with a K. And listen to a couple episodes, drop me a review, leave me a voice message, and share the show. Please share the show. As always, until the next time, I want everyone out there to keep it safe, keep it healthy, and keep it kandid.

Tina C. Hines
Life Transformation Specialist
Tina C. Hines, a fifth-generation empath, intuitive clairvoyant, medium, and healer. She holds certification as a life and international transformation coach, dedicating her life's purpose to guiding emotionally wounded women on a transformative journey towards self-love, self-care, and self-worth.
With a wealth of experience, Tina has graced numerous podcasts and featured in esteemed media platforms including Good Morning America, The New York Times, The Tamron Hall Show, and Trenton Now. Her influence extends across continents, as she traverses the United States, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, hosting healing retreats that empower women to rediscover their own happiness.
Tina's distinctive approach has established her as an authority in transformational coaching. Her vision is clear and profound: to embolden women to embrace unapologetic abundance, allowing them to craft the lives they truly desire.
Before embarking on her journey as a certified life coach, Tina spent an impressive three decades in corporate America, serving as an executive assistant. This extensive background enriches her coaching with a unique depth of insight and practical wisdom.
Currently, Tina resides in the vibrant city of Marrakech, Morocco, alongside her cherished son.