It was my distinct pleasure to shine a Kandid spotlight on Everyday Hero: Mentor, Speaker, Personal Development Coach and Founder of The Antoine Nelson Foundation, Mr. Antoine Nelson.

Antoine has worked throughout the state of New Jersey with re-entry programs, homeless shelters, mentoring programs and schools assisting underserved populations with all facets of reaching their full potential in education and their careers.  Growing up in an urban environment, faced with a lack of resources and positive role models, a young Antoine found himself engulfed in the street life facing criminal charges and served a few years in prison. It was this chapter in his story, in addition to many others, that motivated and inspired Antoine to make changes in his community for future generations.  

Antoine currently oversees 3 youth mentoring programs in northern, central, and southern New Jersey which were created with the purpose of assisting the youth discover and develop their passion and potential, as well as develop pride in themselves. 

"25-year-old felon with no license, no job history, with child support and fines to pay, BUT I HAD A PLAN.  I've been to the bottom...and I made it out.  Now the plan is to show my people how to do it"

~Antoine Nelson


Connect with Antoine and The Foundation here:


Intro: " Welcome to The Kandid Shop" by Anthony Nelson aka BUSS_TE

Outro: Reasonable Expectations by Rafa Sessions


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Kandidly Kristin