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Chet Galaska

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Chet Galaska is a retired businessman who is working to dispel myths and misperceptions that surround diabetes. He is not a medical professional but has had the disease since 1981 and sees things from the perspective of people who have diabetes and experience the issues he discusses.
The basic problem is that people generally do not understand diabetes and much of what they believe is untrue. To address this he wrote "The Diabetes Book: What Everyone Should Kno" and developed the Challenge Diabetes Program. CDP teaches the basics to diabetics, those who care about them and anyone who wants to know the facts.
He has presented the program in cooperation with civic, church and social groups as well as the YMCA, the University of Massachusetts and Springfield College. He received the “Heroes Walking Among Us award from the Massachusetts Foot and Ankle Society for his work.
Chet’s goal is to create an informed and supportive social environment that respects diabetics who fight it and encourages those who don’t to take it seriously.

April 30, 2024

Demystifying Diabetes: A Kandid Chat on Managing and Understanding th…

Learn how to manage diabetes effectively with insights from Chet Galaska. Discover the importance of diet, exercise, and early intervention on The Kandid Shop.

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