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Shawn Mahone Sr

Shawn Mahone Sr Profile Photo

Founder/Executive Director

Shawn Mahone Sr is Founder/Executive Director of the Young Men and Women For Change/Change Academy.. Mr Mahone stepped out on faith 16 years ago and developed a Behavior Modification Boot Camp program helping youth ages 5-17 both male and female that were making unhealthy choices in life… Mr. Shawn is born and raised in Toledo Ohio, a single father raising his not 18 year old son since he was 2 years old.. Mr. Shawn holds a degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s in Organizational leadership.. His passion is helping children and families.. He also have been on major platforms pushing his message of positive change

Nov. 12, 2021

”Boys to Men: Real Talk on Raising Men”

Recording of "Boys to Men: Real Talk on Raising Men"How do we raise our young males(boys) to be whole, mature, fully integrated and self-aware men??Glad you asked because we're gonna talk about it with our special guests @tra...

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