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S.A.D.: Seasonal Affective Disorder & Holiday Blues

Check out the live recording of last nights episode on S.A.D.: Seasonal Affective Disorder w special guest Ellie Hadsall.

Ellie is an intuitive, spiritual mentor, meditator, Vedic fire keeper and author of "Conquering the Winter Blues: Over 60 Steps to Tackle Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression, available on Amazon Conquering The Winter Blues .

You can connect with Ellie here:






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Kandidly Kristin

Ellie Hadsall

Author, intuitive, spiritual mentor, meditator, Vedic fire keeper, and ordained Kriya minister

.In my late twenties I realized I am not defined by my human dimension. Each of us is an ever-evolving individualized expression of an unfathomable Cosmic Consciousness.

Convinced that empowerment, meditation, and Vedic fire ceremony are potent transformational tools, I began teaching, leading public events, and now author nonfiction and fiction books to express and support my spiritual journey.

I sincerely believe anyone can find fulfillment in this lifetime by discovering, trusting, and expressing their unique inner wisdom.

During my career in training, personal and career development, and motivational programs, I have learned from insights and stories of my audience and students. It is through life experiences that we evolve and deepen wisdom.

Check These Out!!

Here are some great episodes to start with!!

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