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Who’s Down With RTT, It’s Not Your Mom’s Therapy!

I had the opportunity to sit down for a kandid chit-chat with Diane Konkin, Founder of Advanced Mind Health, which specializes in Rapid Transformational Therapy or RTT, a leading-edge, hybrid therapy based on the latest research in neuroscience

RTT allows the client to embed new neural pathways and shift their thought processes through verbal repetition and visualization tools and is an advanced form of neuroscience that effectively works with the deepest part of the subconscious mind.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stanford University did an extensive study in 2016 on hypnosis and did brain scans and essentially found out that when people were even in a light hypnotic state their brains are lit up, and that's when the brains absorb more information and accept it more deeply.
  • RTT is the most advanced form of hypnotherapy out there right now
  • Willpower doesn't work because it is changing your habit of action without changing your habit of thought.
  • Instead of writing down goals, write down “decisions” because the word decide has the Latin root of, “to cut off from”
  • Hypnotherapy was developed hundreds of years ago and it was used in psychotherapy for many years before stage shows gave it a bad rap.
  • More traditional therapists are beginning to open up to the effectiveness of hypnotherapy
  • RTT is quickly gaining global recognition by medical professionals as one of the most effective treatments available. 

Quotes to Ponder:

“There's all kinds of things at a subconscious level that affect our behaviors that we can change, but we can't change them consciously.”  ~Diane Konkin

“Anybody that's listening, I want you to know that if you have, acquired an addiction: Number one, it's not who you are. It is something that you have acquired. It's nothing that you did. “ ~Diane Konkin

“I don't lead them, but I help them because they need to make their own discoveries. When a client makes their own discoveries and their own connections, that's when they become "aha" moments or personal discoveries, they put two and two together.”   ~Diane Konkin

"Addiction is the solution to a problem that you don't know the cause of"  ~ Dr. Gabor Maté


When you miss your exit on the highway because your mind was turned inward OR you get stuck staring and not blinking and not looking at anything in particular, guess what…you’re  “hypnotized!”

Footnote: Diane was gracious enough to give me a session to help me quit smoking and while it didn't immediatley make me smoke-free it did help me to cut down considerably and I'm confident I'll be smoke free in no time!  The session was relaxing and Diane is amazing at helping you navigate your subconscious!

How to Contact Diane at Advanced Mind Health





Intro: Buss_TE

Outro: Unreasonable Expectations by Rafa Sessions

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Kandidly Kristin


Diane Konkin redosession FINAL-1

Kandidly Kristin: Hola podcast nation. It's your girl, Kandidly, Kristin. And this is the kandid shop. I am sitting down today for a one-on-one shit chat with Diane Konkin. Diane is the founder and director of advanced mind health, which offers online rapid transformational therapy or RTT sessions. Diane is excited to share what she has learned about RTT to help as many people as she can.

So, welcome. Welcome, welcome Diane to the kandid shop yeayy.

Diane Konkin: Yay. I'm so happy to be here. I just, you know, when our chat earlier, I just, I loved your vibe and I love how you described your podcast and what you do for your listeners. So yeah, I'm excited to be here. Really happy.thanks,

Kandidly Kristin: Good so glad that you decided to give me this little bit of time to share rapid transformational therapy with my listeners. So,tell my listeners what exactly is RTT or rapid transformational therapy.

Diane Konkin: Okay. Well, rapid transformational therapy was developed, actually by a woman out of the UK and she is really considered one of the world's best therapists. Her name is Marissa Pier. She is a global, speaker, a bestselling author and, one of, the best therapists in the world and she was voted best therapist in the UK by men's health magazine. She was, I think the only woman to have. Received an award by men's health magazine and she's been a therapist for over 30 years and she actually used to be one of Jane Fonda's girls back in the day.

Yeah. So, that's kind of how she put herself through university and college doing psychology and became a therapist and then saw all these women who were messed up with eating disorders. Right. All of these fitness models who would be like a tomato a day. Exactly. So she started working with them and helping them immensely, and she, then she bought into the modality somewhere along her career.

She got into the modality of hypnosis, how powerful it is in psychotherapy. And so she began to use hypnosis in her psychotherapy. And she started curing clients at a much faster rate. So she developed rapid transformation therapy from hypnosis, combined with her, neuro-linguistics programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, the tools that, normal, traditional talk therapists use.

And when she put the two together, it was life-changing for her because her clients started to, get well so fast. And she had so many referrals. She couldn't keep up. Then she blew up and started being therapists to celebrities, many celebrities, the Royal family. Billionaires. It's like, her method just blew up.

So then people started to really say to her, you should market this. You should teach it and train other therapists to do this. So she did. So she put together a program. She started teaching it in 2015 and, just sort of,, put some feelers out and had some students and went through some classes.

Graduated her first group of therapists and then just kept improving the program. And when I joined, I think I started in January of 2020. There was, I believe at the time around 5,000 don't quote me therapists like globally. And now there's over 10,000. Wow. Couple years later because people are having so much success with it.

 Hopefully that answers your question. That's where it came from, but it's a combination of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy and it uses its own standalone tools. Marissa developed some tools that normal psychotherapists don't use a different perspective, on how to look at clients' issues.

They are in a relaxed state during the session when the client is in a relaxed state during the session, their mind, it opens up a lot more and they can access their subconscious mind, which is 95% where our thoughts and behaviors and our actions and our decisions come from. Yeah. So it's, uh, yeah, it's a really, really fascinating modality.

I'm the kind of person that usually when something sounds too good to be true, I kind of back away from it. I saw how it worked. I looked at the science of it, a lot of medical professionals. We are learning it. Now, a lot of certified therapists are learning it now and using it to enhance their practice.

And it really is. I believe the future of where therapies

Kandidly Kristin: I got it. So that's a great segue into my next question for you. Why did you become interested in it and decide to create the advanced mind health program?

Diane Konkin: Great question. Great question. Because, well, it was about maybe around the same time she started teaching it that I was looking for therapy for myself.

I had a friend. Yeah. I had a friend, who is a film and TV actress who posted a post in Facebook saying, has anybody ever tried hypnotherapy before? I thought that's so interesting. I should really look into that because my story is I, supported an alcoholic husband who also had either, he was never diagnosed properly. I believe he was bipolar. Yeah. He was diagnosed chronic depression.  He did have a lot of manic episodes, and eventually it led to alcoholism because he was self-medicating and booze was the only thing that would help the pain, the emotional pain of what he was suffering. And so I supported him because he never really wanted to drink.

Right. I mean, the addiction told him he did, but of course we know that cycle of, you know, the substance abuse and you can't stop. And then you sober up the next day and then the guilt and remorse and the shame and all of that floods in the only thing that stops that painful emotion is the alcohol. So the cycle continues, right.

So I supported him through that and he passed away. He was six years sober when he passed away in 2013. So after he passed, I just felt this overwhelming sense of freedom. I mean, I thought this is my act two of my life. I do whatever I want whenever I want. And I don't have to worry about, how he, might trigger his addiction or how he might feel alone if I travel somewhere.

So I kind of launched into that and had a great couple of years. And then all of a sudden it hits me. I started grieving. I mean, I've heard of this too, where if you lose someone that you're with a really long time, it can take time for that even to hit you. Right. You have this loss, right. I went through, I would say a good 18 months of a grieving period.

And it was, it was a dark time for me. And I thought, okay, I can talk myself out of this. Right. Like we all think I'm strong. I'm not, somebody who's crazy. Right, right. I'm not medicated. I'm healthy. This is just something I'm going through. I can do it alone. Well, yeah, after the 18 months, I kind of thought, oh right. Let's start looking at maybe getting some help. I didn’t want to go to a grief group.

Kandidly Kristin: groups are not my thing.

Diane Konkin: So I started Googling hypnotherapy and of course, because my cookies lit up then I was open for the marketing. I was targeted with therapy. Exactly. But at that time, their ads were for selling the training method for getting students to enroll in their program. So I sat on it for a good two months.

And then as the universe would have it, I traveled to Mexico to visit a couple of friends and it's really cool surfing town that I go to a lot. And, , the first day in the hotel room, I stepped down on the step that I didn't know was there, broke my foot. I was like, okay, this is fine. I have to sit in like, well, thank God I had like a beach front room with a private balcony and I just watch the surfers all day.

So I don't feel sorry for me, but I got up, I got to sit here with my foot up for three days. So this is as good a time as any to start the program. And I, I couldn't get enough of it. I loved it. I was like bingeing on the classes and the videos are so cool. So that's how I got started in it. And I thought.

I was the more I watched it, the videos of teaching videos and the actual clients, the more I was blown away. And the more I just became so passionate about it, I'm like, this is my way of helping people like my husband, because I knew then what I know now, addiction and intrusive emotions and anxiety and depression, I would have been able to help him.

I would have been so much sooner. And I remember him talking about. , his depressed mother and his alcoholic father, , he was a musician for, he went into education as a profession. So he was a professional, he was high functioning. I remember him talking about the shame he felt as well. Like all of these things that just kept flooding back as I was learning a RTT as I was learning how these experiences turn into who we are today, and there's not really much conscious control over them because the experiences are buried in our subconscious mind. Our brain is wired as a human being to need to belong to a group, to feel connection, need, to be accepted. And all of these things are because in the prehistoric days we belong to a tribe, right? If we were rejected from the tribe, that meant we would die

We wouldn't survive on our own outside of the tribe. So people's brains are wired that way, right. away to begin with. And so there's all kinds of things at a subconscious level that are, that affect our behaviors that we can change, but we can't change them consciously. Yes. If you go and seek some therapy, it absolutely helps with the symptoms.

And it absolutely feels better. I don't knock that because that is for some people. That's great. But if you want to change. At a subconscious level. This is the method because the success rate is between one and three sessions. So you don't need to go to therapy week after week after week, and try to manage them between. The woman who developed the program.

And she said, look at, you said, people want. Fast now. Right? Like even if we have to wait for a page to load for five seconds, like we get into the patient. Right. And so when we have pain, emotional pain, we don't want that to stick around and we're frustrated that we can't solve it quickly. And so a lot of people solve it quickly with substances.

Right. I deserve it because I had a hard day, and then especially over COVID with me too, you just get into the habit of daily drinking. Two glasses turns into four turns into a bottle a day.

Kandidly Kristin: Let me ask you a question. You said that after your husband passed and you're kind of living your best life period, and then the grief and that you were, thinking about getting some kind of therapy and then you found RTT now, did you ever go to therapy or you just jumped right into the, learning of how it works and the program, like you became a student or did you get RTT therapy.

Diane Konkin: No, I just became a student. I jumped in because the more I learned about how the mind works, the more enlightened I was. Right. Plus grief is something that yes, you can get RTT therapy for. It helps you understand the stages and go through the stages maybe a little bit quicker, but everybody is different when it comes to grief.

So, we all know the stages and they can be messed up. They can manifest itself differently. You can go through one stage, think you're better. And then a couple of months later, something hits you. Like you have, these waves are triggered. Yes. Right? Yes. Over time they do subside. , And I knew that was going to happen, but RTT not only helps me know and understand how my thinking work, but, and how to help myself.

But it also was something that I could dive into and occupy myself with. Right. Because I have a seasonal contract, so I have my winters off and I choose not to pick up other gigs in the winter and I always wanted to start my own business. So it kind of like. It was just handed to me. The universe was like, yeah, you've been researching businesses to start and you're going through this and here is this, this opportunity that we're presenting this to you.

And, yeah, I did a lot of research on it cause I need to, I'm just like that kind of person, right? Yeah. I don't find anything quickly. Right. So, and I'm, really apprehensive to pay money for something might freeze or right when there's. Yes. But when my clients come to me, they're at their breaking point, usually they're kind of like, I'm so frustrated by this.

Now I've tried this, I've tried this, I've tried this and now it's just like really driving me crazy. Like, can you get rid of this block for me? Or can you get rid of this for me? So when it comes to addiction, I usually deal with high functioning people, right. People that can quit on their own for like a day or two or three, maybe a week.

Kandidly Kristin: They can't stay quit

Diane Konkin: Exactly. Fall back into that habit. Yeah. Because first of all, anybody that's listening, I want you to know that if you have. Acquired an addiction. Number one, it's not who you are. It is something that you have acquired. It's nothing that you did. It's nothing that is your fault, right?

And generally it means that you are a highly suggestible person. This is the reason why so many artists become addicts, a lot of rock stars and film personalities, they are most suggestible and deceptive, right? So because they have these beautiful open souls, they take in everything very deeply.

Which makes them incredibly beautiful creative artists, but it also leaves them with this darkness that they hold on to. Right. So that's what this method is good for, for uncovering the root cause of the addiction and anyone

Kandidly Kristin: Got it

Diane Konkin: And reframing it. So I spend the first few minutes of the session, just putting the person into a relaxed state. And actually I tell my clients there's no right or wrong way to feel it. Like I remember the first time I had a session done on me, because as before we get certified, you have to do a lot of practice sessions, each other, right. And on other people. So, I had a session done on me from another student and I was lying there going, okay, am I hypnotized now?

Now,now am I hypnotized?. And I thought like, I was so focused on that, that I wasn't even listening to what the therapist was saying. Right. And so I tell all my clients, that story now, just because it's sort of like, like you just relax. It's like, it's like laying in the sunshine, right. When you're just listening to music or if you.

Listening to a guided meditation or anything like that. Hypnosis is a natural state. So it's the state that you are in when you miss the exit on the highway posted take, you're just so focused on your thoughts that you start to become unaware of things happening around you. Right? So it's a very natural state there was a study done in 2016 by Stanford university.

They did an extensive study on hypnosis and they did brain scans and essentially they found out that when people were even in a light hypnotic state their brains are lit up, and that's when the brains absorb more information and accept it more deeply. One of the rules of the mind is like we talked about the belonging to a tribe, right?

Yes. Because the number one rule of the mind is that it's there to make you survive to keep surviving on the planet. And the other rule of they were met with, there was one of many, one of the other ones is the more suggestions you accept. It makes the next one. Easier to accept and more meaningful.

It goes deeper. So there's a lot of tools that I use in a session. So once we get the person into a relaxed state, then I show them how suggestible they are. Then we start having a discussion. Then I start asking them questions and it's a conversation, but it's a conversation.

Could you imagine being a therapy session, just like sitting comfortably or lying back and your eyes are closed. So you're answering questions with your eyes closed and focusing only on your internal state, in your internal thoughts, right? It's much easier to answer a question in a wide awake conscious state.

Kandidly Kristin: When they're in a session in a typical session, and you're having this conversation, you're having this conversation with their subconscious ? I guess what I'm asking is they're not typically when you have a conversation, you give some thought to the answer. So in RTT session, is this question and answer or conversation more from their, subconscious level for the, for the patient? Not for you.

Diane Konkin: Absolutely. Yeah, because, and I'll even say that , I'll say, I'm going to ask you a question and the answer is going to come up immediately.

When I ask it, you're going to know the answer.

Kandidly Kristin: Got it.

Diane Konkin: And, I did this with a woman who had, marijuana habit and she wanted to break it. And she said, no matter how hard I try, I, I feel like I have to have it before, like at the end of my day, or in order to go to. Got it, please help me stop. I don't want to be high.

I want to just like work on my business. I want to do this. Or, you know, there's so many other things I want to do. And when I, abstain, I feel so much better. Right. So, and I said to her, like I was asking her questions and I said to her, okay, I'm going to ask you a question. And the answer is going to come up immediately.

And she blurted out the answer and she went, wow, that's interesting. So a lot of clients, like they will blurt out the answer, but then there'll be surprised by the answer.

Kandidly Kristin: Are they surprised that it came from them or that they even had that inside? Okay.

Diane Konkin: Both I mean it depends on the client. It depends on their situation. And sometimes, they'll, they'll have to fish for it. And, I don't lead them, but I help them because they need to make their own discoveries because when a client makes their own discoveries and their own connections, that's when they become aha moments or like personal discoveries, they put two and two together.

Then it's far more effective than a therapist saying, you know what your problem is, right. When you figure it out. And, and the thing is is that this is what I was saying earlier about whoever has an addiction. It's not your fault. Right. So it's. When, when they discover these connections and they discover where their addiction came from and why they acquired it.

And that there's a part of them that actually thinks it's being helpful to them. Right. Because we all develop parts, right? Like there's even a book called "No Bad Parts". That’s on my next reading list. But I mean, we say, you know, there's a part of me that wants to stay a part of me that wants to do this, but we develop parts to help us.

And a lot of times my clients will have these parts in them and I'll have a conversation with the part. Right. And then I'll ask the part, how old were you when you came into, insert client's name here in, into their life? And they'll say five and they'll say, okay, how old do you think she is now? Five . They will blurt out the answer, right? Like I just had a client a couple of days ago and she had, not a very good childhood. She was in a rather abusive home. And she was dealing with an emotional issue that I was helping her through. And, you know, I asked her how old she thought the client was. Oh, she was the one that said five.

Do you have it another client a couple of days ago, who was, 42. And I said, how old were you when you came into her life? And the part said 15, and I said, how old do you think she is now? And the part said 20. She was like, what? Like even she was surprised. Right. And I'm like, okay, let's talk to it and tell it how old you are and that you don't need it anymore.

And she hasn't had a craving or a drink since, and she's like, it's gone now. They figured this out. Now that I finally figured it out. Cause she's like, I want to stop. I don't want to drink every day. Right. Right. And, she's a producer music producer and she does a lot of international events. And you know, she's like, now that I have this figured out, this is crazy.

So yeah. Anyway, and her, I actually hypnotized in the transformational recording cause I leave my clients with an audio and we'll talk about that in a second. But she actually wanted to drink as a selective, moderate drinker. Okay. She wants, she wanted to go to a wine tasting or a wine event once in a while.

Right. And she was, she was also a vocalist. So she would show up at these, you know, these upscale events. And then, you know, it'd be customary to have a glass of wine with the guests in there, the producer or whatever. And so she wanted to be a selective, moderate drinker. So that's what we put in her transformation recording that you only drank now two or three days a week.

And when you do, you're only drank two glasses of wine. And after that you lose interest. That's the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference.

Kandidly Kristin: Absolutely.

Diane Konkin: Right. And when you, have a glass of wine and then you can say, you know what more. Disinterested in completely indifferent to and mean that's when you can you have the power over your mind to subside this craving.

So, so yeah, the end of the work that we do, like I'll take my client through a number of different tools, depending on what they're giving me. Right. Like I went to a box and I go with the flow and I go with what they give me and we work away and I, I really helped them discover the beliefs that their subconscious mind is holding onto because of the experiences they gone through..

And I also say to them, look, if any child or young person or person was put in exactly that same situation that you described, they would feel exactly the same. So it's not you, it's not your authentic self, it's not you that you were born in meant to be the person that your mind shaped you into because of the experiences you take away.

Like Marissa says, first of all, you're a detective, you go in there and you figure out why, what the root cause of their problem is. And then you're a dentist and then you extract it.. So once all of the work is done with the, techniques that I use, then at the end of it, I just say to the client, okay.

Remain in a relaxed position and then start your recording now. And, feel free to just listen to the beginning part again and go deeper into relaxation. So then I record them a 10 to 15 minute audio recording. It's just reinforcing the work that we did in the session. And what they do then is they listen to it for 21 days because we were meeting those new neural pathways in the brain.

Just like any habit, any, any new self, anything that you want to rewire in your brain, anything behaviors or habits that you want to stop, they can kind of, those pathways kind of get all full of weeds and then you groom the new ones and you do that with repetition. And so the client listens to the recording for at least three weeks.

Some of my say, you know, four weeks is better the longer, the better. And then I check in with them on a weekly basis. And in the meantime, if they need, have any questions or need to reach out, then I'm accessible. So that's what my package includes. The one session, plus the weekly coaching for three weeks.

I’m changing that right now into doing a minimum of two to three sessions? Because that's where I really see the success rate.

Kandidly Kristin: I was going to ask about results. Number one, are they one session and immediate two sessions? Immediate three says intermediate what's the on average because everybody's different naturally, but for the majority with addictions,

Diane Konkin: Yeah, well, with one session, people will definitely feel different by the end of the two hour session, they come out of the session, just feeling so much different.

It's like, I figured it out. Finally, they feel lighter. They feel freer, I could look at their faces. They're usually beaming with a big smile, which is not what they looked like when we started the session. So we do a little chit chat and they're like, you know, I never thought of that before. Like there's some things that I did think like my addiction is probably because of this, but the one scene that I went back to, I would have never thought of that in years, like the rest of my life.

Right. So when you ask, when you're in that relaxed state and you ask your mind why. This addiction is locked into your mind. We'll show you why it's the same as muscle testing. Like for those people that don't know about muscle testing, I was just watching a video this morning that a friend of mine sent by Dr. Wayne Dwyer. And he does this muscle testing where you hold your arm out rude, like, like you just stand straight and you hold your arm out to the side, you know, with your elbow straight. And you say your name. So first of all, you test for positive negative negatives. You say your real name, and then you have, can you try to hold your arm there with as much strength as you, can you say a real name and then somebody pushes down on your arm and they can't really push down on it.

Your arm is really strong because you're saying. Right. Then you make up a name. You say, my name is something else. Right. And you try to keep the strength in your arm, but when somebody pushes down on it, you can't your arm. It's true. It's, it's the coolest thing. Cause the body, no. Oh, my gosh,

Kandidly Kristin: the body and the brain are just so amazing.

Diane Konkin: Exactly. So you with your cigarettes, cause I don't want to do a session for you for sure.

Kandidly Kristin: Oh, I can't guys. I'm telling you when I do it and I come back on and I say, listen, if you have an issue, this is what you need to at least try, because I'm sure that there are skeptics and there are people who are like yea

but you know, I, I'm not, first of all, I'm not, you can't, I can't be hypnotized. I'm not suggestible or I don't want to wake up with some crazy implanted thought, like barking, like a dog or something.

Diane Konkin: No, no, no. So here's the thing. the people that are skeptical I'm happy to talk with them. One-on-one but look, it, it's not for everybody.

And if you, if it doesn't feel right, I'm not going to pressure you into it. I'm not here to pitch to people who don't want to do it, or don't want to try it.

Kandidly Kristin: Got it.

Diane Konkin: Like there's enough people that are troubled in the world that are looking for alternative therapies that if you don't believe in it, or you're reluctant, then that's fine.

You know, that I'm not offended. Right. There's lots of different people and lots of different people that can help you. And it's whatever feels best for you right. In your gut. Right. Because that's where our emotions sit. Right. So

Kandidly Kristin: So Diane RTT results are they long-term lasting.

Diane Konkin: So, yeah, the first session, like I said, people feel lighter freer. The session is what does the work? And the recording is what makes you stay that way right now it's different for everybody. Sometimes people notice a difference right away. Sometimes people notice subtle changes over the, like the next few weeks.

Um, sometimes it'll be retroactive where they'll get to the end. They'll listen to it, you know, for a month and they'll get to the end of the month and they'll look back and they'll go, oh, Yeah, I guess I have changed, right. Or sometimes something is stuck. Like I have a client, I did two sessions for money blocks, which, is actually is a niche for a lot of RTT therapists because people have a hard time, like if they're making good money, right.

They either have a hard time spending it or a hard time thinking that they actually were the ones that earned that money. Right. Yeah, believe it or not. And I didn't think it was a thing, but apparently a lot of people have this, so I did a lot of research on it and I'm, you know, trained in it. I've also done training in it.

And so I did a couple of sessions with my client and she does feel relief, but then there's still certain things. Right. So I'm going to do another mini session with her going instead of getting rid of the part let's change its role, right. That we can do. So there's just ways to just get in there because everything is from your mind.

So yeah. As far as, , lasting results, I had, I I've, I've been seeing clients for about a year now, I would say around 40, maybe 40 and my clients have had success in the month that I keep checking back in with them. Right. And one of my colleagues, I was just in a meeting with one of my colleagues who had a practice about as long as I have.

And he said, you know, I was so curious about long-term results. So I contacted everybody and I was like, how are you doing? And everybody that he treated said, absolutely. It's exactly the same, because once you change your brain, it's that way, right. It's rewiring your brain and it'll stay that way until you change it again.

So people fight with what they say is a block, right. I've had clients come to me like this woman with, social media, anxiety, actually talented like extremely talented, a lot of gifts, but she wanted to start doing Facebook lives. And she said, do you know what she said?

I know I'm skilled. I know I'm personable. I have clients. I know what I'm talking about. And I can speak with people face to face clients, telephone or anything. But as soon as the camera, she said, even talking about it, I'm starting to cry. And I've no idea why, like her body was having a reaction. And she was like, I want to do this.

Like, why isn't my body letting me do this. Right. And your body is your subconscious mind. It's the part of your mind that. Responsible for you and your condition. So when you have a physical response, like a panic attack, right? That is some thing going on in your subconscious mind, right it's the subconscious mind trauma or whatever is happening.

That's wrong with it manifests itself in your body. That's why we called disease dis ease because it's the, dis-ease in your body. That's connected to your mind. So

Kandidly Kristin: I love it.

Diane Konkin: So yes. Results long lasting. Absolutely.

Kandidly Kristin: Okay. Let me ask you what besides addictions is RTT effective for. I know that there are some mental disorders that are better treated, I guess, with traditional therapies, medications, but what's.

If somebody is listening and they're thinking, I wonder if this could work for me, what kind of little checklists could they run off to see if RTT may be effective for them? ,

Diane Konkin: well, the way we are trained is that the only thing that is completely off the books is any kind of diagnosis of psychosis. Or epilepsy going into that relaxed state into your own mind could trigger, some epilepsy, right?

Because the brain is firing at a completely different way than a normal person's brain. So psychosis, epilepsy, I would say like schizophrenia or any of those chronic mental disorders. Right. But for anxiety, depression, any kind of intrusive emotions, addictions, even performance mindset, right? Like even corporations are starting to hire RTT therapist to come and boost their sales team.

Absolutely. And there's a, there's also a study in the UK. It was years ago where Marissa, the founder of RTT started doing it with sports teams and a lot of Olympic athletes now use hypnosis and hypnotherapy in order to enhance their performance because it tells your brain, that's what you want your mind, will do exactly what it thinks you want it to do.

So, yeah, absolutely athletes, actors, you know, I can work with someone who wants to enhance their performance or take away any kind of stage fright. Exam preparation, public speaking, even confidence. And self-esteem, so it's both ends of the spectrum, right? Like if you want to feel like you function great, but you want to even get better and enhance your performance in something, then absolutely.

You can do it through RTT or if you're on the other end of the spectrum where you are struggling with depression or anxiety or addictions and addiction is what I niche in just my history with my husband and, and myself and going through lots of addiction counseling with my husband and learning about it.

And. You know, he was in and out of rehab three times and I've gone to so many family nights where you learn more and more about addiction. Like I could teach classes, right, right. Right. And I, I experienced firsthand where he was going through. I held him through all of that.

 And I was the person that he screamed at when he was angry with himself for hurting me. And I was like all kinds of things. So I really, really relate to the high functioning addict, or I don't even like to say addict, it's not, no, it's the high functioning person that has substance use habits that they don't want anymore.

Kandidly Kristin: They don't want any more.

Diane Konkin: Yeah. Or even if they want to change their habits. Right. My last client who was drinking daily, like three or four or five glasses, but just wanted to cut it down to maybe two or three days a week. Right? Like any habit you want to change, you do it at the subconscious level.

And RTT is the most advanced form of hypnotherapy out there right now. Like doctors are beginning to learn it. Certified therapists are learning it and they're using it in their practice. They'd want to be more successful with their clients. Right.

Kandidly Kristin: Cause that's the goal, right. To help the client lead.

Diane Konkin: Well, that's the thing. I mean like some therapists are resistant to it and it's like, well, we can only have one therapist said to me, and this is the mindset. Right. And sorry, not, not again, to put a blanket statement on all therapist. traditional talk therapist, say to me, yeah. But if you cure them in three sessions, then you have no repeat clients.

Like, oh my God. Right? So it's like, well, that's how I make my money. Is I, people come back to me week after week for months, but don't you want to cure of them in two or three sessions? Like you cure them in one session,

Kandidly Kristin: that'd be no shortage of new clients.

Diane Konkin: Absolutely. Absolutely. It's a personal choice.

I'm not here to pitch or to convince anybody. I'm just here to share what RTT is and how it works and what my experience has been with it. And, I welcome people to do their own research and, and make their choice what's best for them. But, you know, this works fast. You don't have to spend, months and months in therapy and there's no medication.

Kandidly Kristin: That's awesome. I'm a firm believer that addictions are symptoms of larger issues. I've always believed that I did a show on it. I shared my own story of a substance use and abuse and addiction. And I just believe that once you get to the root of it, now you understand the why.

Right? The how and the, when that'll come it'll fall right off.

Diane Konkin: Yeah. Understanding. Absolutely. It's power and change comes from recognition. Like I don't want to sound cliche, but truth. Right. And addiction is just, to quote, Dr. Gabor Maté, if you guys want to look him up, he is brilliant. He is a doctor in Canada that worked out of Vancouver on the streets with the drug crisis on the streets for many years.

And now he's kind of blowing up because he is doing a lot of social media and public appearances to talk about his knowledge about addiction. And essentially he says that "Addiction is the solution to a problem that you don't know the cause of" it's your mind being in an adaptive state. It's exactly because your minds number one job is to keep you alive.

And if it has to do that by numbing your feelings and keeping you out of pain, that's the way it does it. Right? Like I was talking to my girlfriend about this the other day, cause I was telling her about doing a session. And after I finish a session, I kind of feel exhausted. It takes out of you because there's such a deep energy exchange for like two, two and a half hours.

Right. You usually just chill for the rest of the day and not schedule anything. But, you know, she was saying exactly the same thing where it's that energy exchange and it's the adaption of, you know, your, your, your brain adapts to whatever. I used to want, I used to crave a glass of wine when I finished a session.

And she said, yeah, because the wine is putting a blanket on the fire. Right, right, right. And so that's what it does. And so your mind craves it, it's not your body that wants it. Don't forget your body is your subconscious mind, but it's your subconscious mind that is dictating what your behaviors and decisions are.

Right. I did a session one time on,, we were doing a practice session me and a student partner. And she said, what do you want to do it on? And I said, I don't know how about mindless eating? Because I'm the kind of person that sits at the screen. And then when I need to get away from the computer.

What do I do? I go to the fridge, right? Hungry. It's just a habit. Right? I'm not even thinking about food, I just get up and I just want my body just wanders to the fridge. Right. And then we all do that. We open the door and we stand for in there, or like, what am I even doing here? Right. Like it's a habit.

And so I did a session on mindless eating and she, she did this great session for me. And then in the recording, she's like, when you finish, you're at your computer, you're going to find other ways you're going to reward yourself with like, going for a walk or, you know, just heading outside or doing this.

And then excuse me, been doing, making all of these suggestions, right. Suggestions on the audio. And I tell you the next time I got up from my computer, a couple of days later, I started walking to the fridge and my body. turned and walk the other way. And I was like, what is happening? Oh yeah. I not supposed to go to the fridge.

And I was like, that is so cool. Right. Or I did RTT on myself.

Kandidly Kristin: You know what? That's so funny because that was, I was leading into, I was going to ask that,

Diane Konkin: well, I can't do a session to discover the root cause. Right. But I do do recordings for myself. So when I was trying to curb my drinking, I wrote myself ideally drinking habits.

Right. And it worked. Um, I kinda stopped listening to it for a while. Cause I'm like, okay, I have this under control. The cravings are gone or I can leave it and not feel like it's on my mind still. Right. And then of course, a few months later, because I only listened to it for like a week. I am highly suggestible.

I'm also one of those creative people that are highly suggestible. So I can listen to a week and be like, oh yeah, got it done. Right. But then it'll creep back in because I didn't listen to it long enough. So it creeped back in, and then by, I mean, it never got as like, as much because I was conscious, like I was really aware of it that I didn't want to drink as much as I was.

And then by Christmas I was like, Hey, you know what? I think I'm going to try a dry January. Like, okay. Let's try it. Right. And I had this little pain of anxiety. As soon as I had that thought, my body went, you're going to do, what are you serious? So I wrote it down and here's the thing, my, my other trick, and this is so cool is, I mean, people write down goals, right.

And they just don't happen. Willpower doesn't work because it is changing your habit of action without changing your habit of thought. Yep. And so you write down your goals then, like, I, I don't even know where I wrote down my goals, but I'm going a piece of paper. They get shuffled in a drawer. Right. So writing goals, whatever it's like to me, that's just like a dream or a wish what I started to do, which works amazingly well.

And I'm starting to tell my clients, this is, use the word decide. Um, cause decide has the Latin root of, to cut off from, so when you write down and this is what I did, I have decided to not drink from now until at least the end of January. And I read it and my body went ping. Like there was this little pain, like, oh wait, it's that same feeling when you're way up in a high rise building and you look over the balcony, right.

You know, you're safe, you know, you're not going to fall, but your brain doesn't know that. And your brain is wired. What for survival. Right. So your body is going to give you that pain of anxiety. Like without you even knowing it like consciously knowing you're safe. Right. So I, I looked at this and I was like, I have decided I have made this decision.

And the little ping of anxiety went away. And do you know what? I had zero cravings. I didn't even think my 3 o'clock, four o'clock wine, wine o'clock hour when I start making dinner and I finished my wrap up, my Workday, I always was pouring a glass of wine. And do you know what? Three, four o'clock. And it didn't even didn't even occur to me like seven or eight o'clock.

I was like, oh yeah. Holy crap. Like it didn't, I didn't even come into my mind because I told myself that's what I wanted. And your mind will do exactly what he thinks you wanted to do, have to communicate with it in the right way.

Kandidly Kristin: Oh my gosh. I literally am super hyped about my session whenever that's going to be.

I am so excited about it, but I am introducing something new to my one-on-one chats and it's going to be 10 Kandid questions.

So I'm going to ask you 10 Kandid questions. You got to give me right off the top. No thinking just the first thought. All right. First question coffee or tea,

Diane Konkin: coffee.

Kandidly Kristin: Morning person night owl.

Diane Konkin: Totally morning, early morning.

Kandidly Kristin: Okay. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Diane Konkin: Biggest pet peeve. Oh, rude people.

Kandidly Kristin: Okay. What's your favorite curse word?

Diane Konkin: Oh, definitely. The F bird.

Kandidly Kristin: What is the biggest misconception people have about what you do with RTT?

Diane Konkin: Oh, well right away. It's the stigma of it. You know, people start joking. Oh, are you going to like swing a pocketwatch in front of my eyes and wear a purple Cape and a top, right? Because, well, yeah, because the truth is it was developed like hundreds of years ago and it was, it was used in psychotherapy years and years ago, but it's only the stage shows that have given it that bad rap.

Kandidly Kristin: Got it. Got it. All right. What's the best advice you ever received?

Diane Konkin: My dad always told me don't let the bastards get you down.

Kandidly Kristin: I like it. If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

Diane Konkin: Oh, obviously my new business for helping people that have acquired an addiction, and this is a part of their life, this ball and chain that they're dragging around and they don't want it anymore.

 I want to really be that expert on you known as that expert in addiction, especially in the entertainment world or in the artist world, because those are my tribe, right? I come from a theater and film background. I've been working as a stage manager for over 30 years and I've been involved in numerous film festivals.

I worked with Toronto film festival for 10 years and Sundance for five years. And so, you know, these are my people.

Kandidly Kristin: I think you're well on your way. You got, you got three more questions, dogs or cats

Me too. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Diane Konkin: Probably to fly, because I would definitely fly to Mexico or Puerto Rico or anywhere warm anywhere warm right now. Absolutely.

Kandidly Kristin: All right. And last question. How can my listeners contact you for more information on RTT and to book a consultation or even a session?

How can they reach you?

Diane Konkin: Yeah, well, my website's the best way. Advanced mind health.ca. I'm even happy to give you my phone number. Uh, it's it's on my website. It's all over. It's all over. It's on my Google, the Google business. Go, go to Google business. My Google business account. My phone is on there. It's (905) 329-1410.

Send me a WhatsApp, send me a text or you can book a call with me. That's the best way of a free consultation. Just hit any of the book now, or talk to me buttons on my website and that'll take the calendar

Kandidly Kristin: and guys, all of her contact information we'll of course be in the show notes. So if you didn't have a pencil while you're listening, just go to the show notes and you'll find all the information is going to be some key takeaways.

 Diane Konkin. I am always happy to talk to you and super, super happy that we got to get this one-on-one chit-chat recorded so that when it goes out, more people can get help who are for whatever reasons. Want to do traditional treatments for addictions, don't have time.

There's a lot of reasons why people might choose something like RTT, especially if they're really trying to, to not just kind of do surface work, but do real subconscious work that re-wires the pathways in their brain.

Diane Konkin: Before I go, I just want to mention that any listener that says that they, that they heard me on your show I will give a discount to deep discount too, for sure.

Kandidly Kristin: You hear that guys. That's going to be in the show notes too. I'm not going to put that in the show notes. Yeah, I'll put it in the show notes. I don't know. I'll decide. Cause I don't want people to just go into the show notes and go, Hey, but you got to listen.

So I probably won't put it in the show notes, but if you listen, you'll know that if you mention the Kandid shop podcast, when you book your consultation or session, Diane has graciously agreed to give my listeners a discounts. so there you have it folks. Ms. Diane, thank you so, so much for joining me on this session.

I appreciate it more than, you know, as a former person who acquired a substance addiction and overcame it. I wish RTT, I had known what that was back then. I know what people go through in their head when they're thinking about getting help and all the stigma and the shame and all of that. So I appreciate you for introducing my listeners to this, this therapy that could be life-changing for a bunch of people.

So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Diane Konkin: Back at you. My absolute pleasure. It's always fun to hang out with you Kristin.

Kandidly Kristin: Indeed.

Diane Konkin: I appreciate your time as well.

Kandidly Kristin: Thank you so much. So guys, like I say, at the end of every episode, I want you guys to keep it safe, keep it healthy and keep it. Kandid!

Diane Konkin Profile Photo

Diane Konkin

Founder, Director

Diane Konkin is the founder and director of Advanced Mind Health offering online “Rapid Transformational Therapy” sessions. RTT is a highly effective, cutting-edge method to eliminate intrusive emotions and substance use habits in only 1-3 sessions. RTT is quickly gaining global recognition as one of the most effective treatments available.

If you want more, here's paragraph 2:
After working in the entertainment industry for over 30 years, Diane was super excited to open her practice last year. For almost 20 years she supported her high functioning alcoholic husband and always wanted to reach out to help others coping with this difficulty. She was fascinated to learn about the powerful benefits of RTT which resolves issues quickly at the subconscious level and is excited to share what she has learned to help as many people as she can.

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